Page 92 of Loving Jemima
Glass in hand, Jem watched as Ellie argued about something with one of the wait staff.
“Need a refill?” Rolly asked.
“For once, you’re not my date, so it’s not really your area of responsibility,” grinned Jem. “Anyway, I’m fine, I don’t want to drink too much.”
“I never thought I’d hear you say that,” Annabelle said, picking a canapé off a roving waiter’s plate. She sighed. “These really are too good, I’ll have to diet for weeks after tonight.”
“Or you could just enjoy life,” Rolly said.
“Which is all very well for you to say, you’ve already found the love of your life,” Annabelle said, sticking her tongue out at him. “As for you,” she said, turning to Jemima. “Are you making all this official or not? Because, frankly, I’ve got women lining up inthe wings for a shot at you.”
Jem blew out a breath. “Flattering, I think. But, um, well… I don’t know, to be honest.”
“You don’t know?” screeched Rolly. “It’s been six months, how on Earth can’t you know? I understand it’s more complicated than, say, buying a sofa, but it’s not rocket science. Either you love the girl or you don’t.”
“Oh, I very much do,” Jem said hurriedly. Then she exhaled again. “The problem is, well…”
“She doesn’t love you back?” supplied Annabelle, taking another canapé.
“Oh Christ,” said Jem. “I hadn’t thought about that.” She truly hadn’t. What if Ellie didn’t feel the same way? They’d been living together for months now, but what if that was only because Ellie didn’t have anywhere else to go?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Rolly said. “It’s clear the girl is bats about you. She barely takes her eyes off you, and I’m fairly certain that she’s not the type to keep her mind to herself.” He touched his lime-green bow-tie uncomfortably.
“It was the yellow one she was very much against,” Jem said. “She likes the green, don’t worry.”
“Still, I don’t think she’d fail to let you know if she was finished with you,” Rolly said.
“So what’s the problem then?” asked Annabelle.
Jem took a large drink. “I just… I haven’t actually… Um, I mean… I haven’t said it.”
“It?” asked Rolly, then his eyes widened. “Oh, you haven’t told her that you love her.”
“Have you not?” asked Annabelle. “I always seem to do that far too soon. Might be part of my problem.”
“I haven’t,” Jem confirmed. “But not because I don’t. Just because…. Well, because I’m afraid of scaring her off. You know what she’s like. She gets comfortable with things and, to be honest, she’s still sleeping in the guest room. At least ostensibly.”
Rolly rolled his eyes. “You two are a nightmare. Just tell her.”
“I could tell her for you,” Annabelle said.
“No, no,” said Jem hurriedly.
“Listen, she adores you, you adore her, it’s been six months, you need to speak your heart,” Rolly said. “If not, she’ll think you don’t feel the same and then she’ll start looking for someone else.”
“That’s the pot calling the kettle black,” Dave said, sidling up to Rolly. “It took you months to even admit that you liked me.”
“Yes, well, that was different,” Rolly said. “Mostly because you talk enough for the both of us.”
Dave snorted a laugh and then kissed Jem on both cheeks. “Trouble at home?” he asked.
“No, just lamenting my inability to commit,” said Jem, with a grin.
“To Ellie? I thought you two were on the verge of wedding planning,” Dave said.
“Not quite,” said Jem, but now that she thought about it, the idea of a wedding was very tempting. Ellie in a long white dress… Ellie walking down the aisle… Jesus, she needed to get a grip. She hadn’t even said the L word yet.