Page 151 of Echoes of Us
“We ran into Holly and Marissa after training, and Noah invited us over,” Colin explained.
I was glad to see him, even if it felt a little weird. Evidence of our shared life was everywhere—my protein shakes on the counter by the blender, my shoes next to Noah’s at the entrance, and my laundry folded on Noah’s bed, waiting to be put away. If I’d known they were coming over, I would have tried to make it less obvious. All of my games were sitting right there on the coffee table. Noah hadn’t botheredputting them away after spending the last couple of nights playing.
Colin moved away and Noah looked at me. “Did you not want me to have them over? I thought you’d be happy to see Col here,” he asked quietly.
“No, I am. I just wish I’d put some of my things away.”
“Col knows you stay here all the time. Holly too.” He was right about that.
I still went into the apartment and started tidying up a bit. They all followed me inside and sat on the couch.
“Is it okay we came?” Colin asked, walking over.
I raised my eyebrows at him. “It’s Noah’s apartment,” I pointed out.
He gave me a wan smile. “Sure, Att,” he said, and I pressed my lips together.
“Atty! I found a great one today!” Noah said brightly. He fiddled with his phone.
“Noah,” I said, starting to feel embarrassed. I glanced at Colin, who gave me a curious smile. “There are people here.”
Noah looked up at me puzzled. “What, these guys? Colin and Holly have been watching me make an ass of myself for the longest time. They don’t mind.”
They both agreed with exaggerated gestures.
“For years and years, Att,” Holly said.
“And years,” Colin added.
I widened my eyes at Noah as the music started to play. He was standing next to the TV, facing away from me.
“And years. Except for you, Marissa,” Noah said, pointing at her and then opening his hand in a theatrical show. This was going to be bad. “Welcome to a new episode of singing corny love songs to my beautiful boyfriend, Atticus King, in the hopes of keeping him in love with me forever,” he said.
My eyes grew wider. “Noah,” I begged.
He cranked up the volume and started to dance.
“‘What I want, you got,’” Noah sang. He pressed his hand on his chest and then pointed at me with a wink.
My face heated up violently, but he continued, dancing to the cheerful beat towards me. Colin let out a laugh, and I was mortified. He gave me a bright smile. Noah sang, widening his eyes and standing with his palms open, then lifting his hands in question. Holly and Marissa looked from Noah to me, both with wide grins on their faces.
Noah smiled at me, holding his hands out to me. “‘Well, well, you,’” he sang, pointing at me, “‘you’re making my dreams come true,’” he said, holding his hand on his chest.
Despite how embarrassed I was, it was still terribly sweet.
“Noah, please,” I asked, knowing I was doing a poor job of keeping my smile down.
“No, no, no, don’t be embarrassed. I’m the one making a fool of himself, I promise. Listen, this is the best part,” he said, coming towards me.
Colin stepped back to let him through, and I gave him a pleading look, but he just smiled.
“Seriously?” I asked Noah as he gripped my hands.
He sang, placing his hands on his chest. I shook my head at him, but he kept on singing, giving a little jump and grabbing my hands again, placing them around his waist to mimic the lyrics. He grabbed the side of my face, singing closer to me and looking me right in the eyes, claiming he wasn’t the same and that he would never be, and I couldn’t stop my smile. Noah grinned in return.
“You’re the worst, Noah,” I told him.
He let out a booming laugh. “Come on, guys, a little help,” he said.