Page 152 of Echoes of Us
A soft chuckle escaped me as I closed my eyes.
“‘Well, ’cause you,’” he sang again. “‘You’re making my dreams come true.’” He laughed as they all joined. “See, I turn your life into a real-life romantic musical.”
I clasped my hand on his neck and kissed him. Noah kissed me back, tangling his hands in my hair.
“This is literally the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” Marissa gushed.
Noah smiled against my lips.
“Poor Col,” Holly said.
“What does Colin have to do with this?” I asked.
“Do you think there’s any chance he’s getting any after that cock-block move Noah just pulled? You can’t expect to score a one-night stand in the face of true love, Att. It’s just not possible,” Holly told me.
Noah was beaming at me. He kissed my cheek and lingered by my ear.
“Hear that? True love,” he whispered, and it felt like fireworks in my heart.
Noah was more subdued after that. We settled back on the couch, his back resting against me, my arm around his waist as he traced lazy patterns on my skin with his nails. I had never seen him withdraw from a conversation like this before. Holly and Colin were talking about the parties they used to have in high school, walking Marissa through them.
Noah pushed back from where he sat and climbed over my lap, resting his face on my shoulder.
“Are you tired?” I asked him, not objecting to his closeness in front of others for once.
“Yeah, I think I smoked too much. I’d get a Red Bull, but I don’t want to get up,” he murmured, his voice a soft hum against my neck.
“Do you want me to get it for you?” I offered, feeling his hand tighten on my waist, holding me in place.
“No. I don’t want you to move either.”
“What about the boat? What happened to the boat, Noah?” Colin asked.
“That one week? It was horrible. I think Clara hooked up with half the class,” Holly said, wrinkling her nose in disgust.
“We still have it, but haven’t gone in ages,” Noah said.
“You have a boat?”
“My family has…” He stopped. “Well, yeah, I guess I do have a boat,” he corrected and yawned.
“It’s a yacht,” Holly told Marissa. “We had the best time whenever we went.”
“We could go if you want, just us two,” Noah said quietly.
“Yeah, we could tan, fuck, and sleep. All day, every day. It’d be great. If you get out to sea far enough, there’s no cell reception. Like the rest of the world didn’t exist, just us two.” His breath was warm against my skin. He kissed my neck softly and nestled closer.
“That sounds nice.” I reached my hand into his hair, tentatively. I wasn’t used to doing things like this in front of other people, but he was so relaxed that I couldn’t help but indulge him.
I started stroking his hair, and he curled himself closer, nodding appreciatively.
“Everything with you sounds nice, Atty.” He was always making me smile. Noah accused me of being sweet, but he had turned into a sap too.
His weight started to grow slack, and his breathing evened out. I tried to catch a glimpse of his face but couldn’t from this angle.
I tapped Colin’s leg next to me, and he turned. “Did he fall asleep?”