Page 71 of Your Rule to Break
“You and that smart fucking mouth,” I growl, touching my nose to hers, not kissing her only because I don’t want to wear red lipstick at dinner tonight.
She has the audacity to look at my dick, which may or may not be twitching to life, and laugh. Emilie grabs my hand and we both giggle as we walk into the dinner spot.
We’re a few steps in when we’re approached with mezcal margaritas. I take one swipe of the salty rim with my tongue before taking a drink, the smoky liquor a perfect balance with fresh lime, not losing eye contact with Emilie until we’re interrupted.
“Zack fucking Andersen is at my wedding,” Mitch cheers, reaching for a handshake. “I told you he was coming,” he turns and says to a few guys behind him.
“Happy to be here. Congrats, man.” I shake his hand and can see his whole face light up. “Do you all know Emilie?” I place my hand on her lower back.
“Yes, we all have met,” she says but there’s nothing hidden. She hugs one of the guys and says hi to the rest. I was guessing they’d probably met when she and Mitch dated, but you never know.
After I’ve introduced myself to Mitch’s groomsmen, Eliza walks over. EvenIcan tell her smile is strained. She immediately goes to hug Emilie.
“Eliza, this place is gorgeous. What a venue,” I say, offering her a side hug, which she surprisingly takes me up on.
She stuns in a white dress, tight to her body, her hair pinned back away from her face.
“Thank you! We’re excited,” she replies, but like she’s told the same thing to fifty other people. Maybe she has?
“Looks like your team has had a great season so far. All good?” Eliza asks and Emilie’s eyes are raised enough to almost touch her eyebrows.
I cough back being caught off guard and answer, “For sure. The team is having a great year. Glad to have the bye week though.”
“Since when do you watch sports?” Emilie asks Eliza, loud enough for me to hear but not everyone.
Eliza crosses her arms and shifts her weight to one leg. “Ever since you apparently date professional athletes. I’m trying to be supportive.” She says it in a way that’s a bit forced, but I think she means well.
“Don’t want this to be a surprise, but I sort of got a tattoo, and Mom was already texting me about covering it up.” Emilie shows Eliza the dainty daisy on the inside of her arm.
“I figured as much. I saw the same article. You absolutely do not have to cover that up.” Eliza looks at it, a touch of awe in her face. I can tell Emilie’s caught off guard again, her face scrunched in places. “Did it hurt?” Eliza asks.
Emilie shakes her head and says, “No, not really. I think I was so excited that it might have but you know, adrenaline and everything.”
Eliza smiles at Emile and then taps Mitch on the shoulder.
“We should mingle with the other guests.” Eliza loops her arm with Mitch’s, the first time I’ve seen her be physical with him since she walked up.
The newlyweds to be, and the groomsmen, leave Emilie and me behind.
“Wow, Eliza showing interest in others. Maybe we do all mature with time,” Emilie jokes.
I look around the room and see food being brought out and set at tables along the perimeter of the room.
Just as we’re about to grab a plate and check out the spread, someone taps on a microphone.
“I’m Ethan, Eliza’s dad, and I want to say thank you to everyone for making the trip. The food is being set up now, feel free to grab some and as many drinks as you’d like. Remember, it's an all-inclusive resort.”
That’s it. There’s no speech about how happy he is to have everyone together or what it’s going to be like for one of his daughters to be married. It’s cold and to the point.
It’s sad.
I’ve heard my family talk more about a piece of chocolate cake at a random dinner than this man did about his little girl’s own wedding. Stealing a look at Emilie, she’s already looking around the room, seeming completely unphased. Why would she be? This is what she’s used to. It’s probably been like this her whole life.
She deserves better.
Hell, Eliza deserves more than whatever the hell that was.