Page 42 of Arranged
I wake up at seven, a little later than my usual because I didn’t set an alarm before I went to bed, and I shower and dress without waking Mia. I notice my note and the car keys I left for her yesterday on the counter are gone, and as my coffee brews,I write her another note, telling her I’ll be gone until tonight. I doubt she’ll wonder where I am, but I still want her to know.
We’ll have to talk eventually, but I can’t yet. I don’t want to argue with her and I don’t want to hear a repeat of anything I heard yesterday. I can’t fucking do that again.
All the paperwork we need for the meeting is at Albie’s from yesterday, so after my cup of coffee, I head over to his place and let myself in with my key.
“Hey,” I greet, finding him in the kitchen.
“I could’ve sworn I locked my door last night,” he says sarcastically.
“You did.”
“You could’ve knocked like a normal person.”
“I guess I’m not normal.” I shrug.
“You’re lucky I didn’t have company over, cooking me breakfast while naked. I wouldn’t want to tell your wife you’re seeing naked women when you’re not with her. Have you even gotten to see Mia naked yet? If not, think about how she’d feel if you saw a naked woman that wasn’t her. She might hold out longer out of spite.”
“Jesus, man.” I rub my forehead. “Shut the fuck up and get ready. We’re meeting Leo, Luca, and Nico soon.”
“I’ll bet she looks good naked.” He smirks, knowing it’ll piss me off. He’s always loved finding any way possible to rile me up. “Not taking the bait? Alright,” he sighs.
“Today is important, Alberto. We need to be serious. This was a part of the deal I made with Leo. We’re finally getting rid of the cartel.”
“I know this is serious, and I’m glad we’re getting them off our backs and onto someone else’s. Do you think the Melccionas will agree?”
“Luca said they took a hit recently, so they should leap at the chance. Plus, they were already in the drug game so theyknow how it works and have no inherent morality issue with it. They’ll gain the upper hand again from the Jamaicans again and the other gangs around their territory. Now, go shower and get dressed and be out here in fifteen minutes, ready to leave.”
“Sir, yes, sir.” He salutes me and saunters off towards his room with his mug of coffee.
I pour a mug for myself while I wait, and by the time Albie emerges, Emilio has arrived.
“You didn’t invite me to this little coffee date of yours. Should I be offended?”
“Yes,” Albie says. “San clearly likes me more.”
“I’m here because I knew you wouldn’t be ready on time otherwise. I can count on Emilio to be early.”
“Asshole,” he grumbles, but knows I’m right.
We head down to the garage where our driver is waiting with one of our SUVs. I take the passenger seat while my brothers sit in the back.
When we arrive at the Carfano building, we’re greeted in the lobby by one of their foot soldiers who takes us up to the third floor and into one of the larger conference rooms. I already noticed the additional men in the lobby, and I see the extras they have strategically placed in the surrounding conference rooms to look as if they’re in meetings too.
All three men stand and shake our hands.
“Today will go exactly as we want,” Leo tells us, the confidence in his voice leaving no room for an alternate outcome. It’s why he’s the head of the most powerful family in the city. He knows he’ll get his way no matter what, and has every resource at his fingertips to ensure it happens.
He's gained my respect, and I trust him to hold up his end of our deal to get us out of the Gulf Cartel’s business. Because if he doesn’t, then he won’t get my trucks, and without those, hewon’t be able to fulfill his contracts and will lose all respect and hierarchy position in our world.
If I was a vengeful man who loved my father, I would probably rejoice in the beginning of the Carfano downfall. But since I’m not, and I’m not looking to be the new target of every man and woman fighting for the top of the criminal pyramid, I’m choosing to help him. It benefits me far more than it doesn’t. The main reason being Mia.
“How’s Mia?” Nico asks, staring at me sternly.
“She’s fine,” is all I give him.
His jaw ticks. “That’s it? She’s fine?”
“You could always call her and ask her yourself if you don’t believe me.”