Page 43 of Arranged
He takes a step forward to say something else, but Leo cuts him off. “Enough. We need to remain focused. We saw how fine Mia was at the wedding, and if she wasn’t okay, she would have called one of us. You know that, Nico.”
Nico nods and steps back to where he was.
“Besides, don’t you recall how Luca’s relationship with Angela started?” Leo adds with a little shake of his head.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Luca mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Don’t compare the two.”
“That’s right.” Leo nods. “Your situation was different. You kidnapped Angela and kept her locked away in your apartment until she fell in love with you.”
“You kidnapped Cicariello’s daughter and she ended up in love with you?” Albie asks incredulously.
“That’s a simplification of it and not everything that happened,” he growls defensively. “Don’t make it seem like I forced her, Leo, or that she had Stockholm Syndrome or something. Jesus man, why did you have to drag me and Angela into this?”
“Because I had a point to make. You and Angela started the way you did and look where you are now. You never know with Santino and Mia. Give them time.”
I don’t know where this is coming from with Leo considering what he implied at the wedding, but I can only assume he was testing me or some shit, and now he can see that I don’t mean harm to Mia.
One of Leo’s men knocks on the glass door and opens it a fraction. “They’re here, Boss. There’s three of them and they’re being checked for weapons now in the lobby.”
“Thanks, Joey.”
The man nods and goes back to his post beside the conference room door.
“Let’s take our seats,” Leo directs, and we all take seats that face the door so that when the Melccionas come in, they see us sitting as a united front.
A few minutes later, three men are escorted into the room by two of Leo’s men.
“Good morning, Lou.” Leo shakes their leader’s hand first, then the other two, and I follow suit.
“Morning,” Lou replies. “This is Sal and Frank.” He says to me, pointing to the men beside him respectfully.
“Good to meet you.”
We take our seats and Leo takes control of the meeting from the start, going over everything we discussed as Lou listens intently.
“So, you want to just hand this over to us? We have our own trucks to do so, but why?” He directs the questions to me.
“My father made the deal when he was alive and I don’t want to be involved with drugs anymore. I never did. We came to you because we know the Jamaicans are trying to gain a foothold in your territory and have been succeeding recently. This is a way to have a direct link to the source. I’m sure you can work out adeal with them for your own product to sell, but that part is on you to hammer out later with my contact, Javi. We’re here to offer you that opportunity.”
“And there’s nothing in it for you?”
“There is,” I tell him honestly. “I married Nico’s sister on Saturday, so I’m doing business with them now. I don’t have the time or inclination to continue my business dealings with the cartel. You and I both know pissing them off is not something one should do without expecting brutal retaliation, so we’ve chosen to find another transporter for them before moving on.”
“You seem to know a lot about my business and what we’re looking to do, Leo. You keeping tabs on your old uncle?”
Wait. Uncle?
Did he just say uncle?
“I have eyes and ears all over the city, Lou,” Leo tells him. “You should know that. Just as I know you’re a man who will take this deal seriously. Am I wrong in thinking that?”
“No, you’re not.”
“I didn’t think so.”
Lou looks to his men on either side of him, and the one to his right gives him a subtle nod. “If I agree,” Lou starts, “then I’ll need some assurances.”
“Of course. We’ll have a contract drawn up that we both agree on.”