Page 25 of Gary
“No.” Her voice was whisper soft and sent thrills running all over his body.
“I turned around and saw you and was floored. I want you so badly, I can feel it in my pores. I had every intention of keeping my promise to just have dinner, but…” His voice tailed off as he replaced his fingers with his lips. She had noticed his lips from the first day he walked into her shop and had felt something simmering inside her.
The touch of them, cemented what she had suspected. He was lethal. He was barely brushing them across hers, but already sensations were rocketing throughout her body. Her hands crept up to grasp his thick wrists, fingers digging into the skin.
He just needed that physical contact to move further.
Using the tip of his tongue, he parted the seams of her lips and caressed the flesh slowly, erotically, his tongue barely moving across her lips. His hands were lovingly cupping her face, and he was careful to place inches between them.
He was fully aroused, his shaft roughly rubbing against the material of his trousers. But in some detached and rational part of his brain warned him to slow down. He did not want to overwhelm her.
But when she opened her mouth and he delved into the honeyed sweetness, objectivity went flying out the window. She was sweet, seductively sexy and he wanted her more than he had ever wanted to draw breath. The savage need for her frightened him so much that he heard himself whimpering.
She was the one who moved towards him. When her breasts brushed against the material of his sweater, he felt moisture popping up on his forehead and pooling under his arms.
With a low feral groan, he plunged his tongue inside her mouth, swallowing her gasp. The kiss took on a potency that rocked their very existence.
His hands fell away, only so that he could move them over her slender shoulders and down her back where he clasped her against his straining body. He felt when she trembled and hoped to God that it was not from revulsion or fright.
Just as he was about to sweep her into his arms and carry her upstairs, his phone rang.
Chapter 6
At first, he thought it was the bells going off inside his brain. He was so lost inside her mouth; he felt the buzzing all the way down to his toes.
Dragging his mouth from hers, he attacked her neck, his fingers digging into her back and then her hips.
“Gary.” Her voice was whisper soft.
“Hmm? You smell so damn good. I want to…”
“Your phone.” She was melting from the inside out, her body vibrating.
“It’s ringing.”
“Okay.” He continued to press his open mouth on her flesh, his hands wandering restlessly over her back.
“I am busy.”
“It’s ringing again.”
Cursing silently for the unwanted interruption, he dragged his mouth from her sweet flesh and tried to focus. Without letting go of her, he took his phone out and noticed the name on the caller ID.
“You have lousy timing.” He growled and went still as his uncle spoke tersely.
“When?” He listened again.
“How bad?”
This time the silence was longer. His gray eyes never left her face, and she saw the taut expression that came over it.
“I’ll be right there.” Hanging up, he shoved the phone into his pocket and just stared at her.
“Something’s wrong.”