Page 26 of Gary
He nodded tersely. “The old man has taken a turn and has been rushed to the hospital.”
“Oh Gary, I am so sorry.”
“Me too. He always has rotten timing.” He shook his head at the look on her face. “You think I sound cold and unfeeling. I assure you that I have my reasons, but that is neither here nor there.”
“You should go,” she said gently.
“Yeah.” He cupped her face gently. “To be continued.”
“Maybe it was for the best. We only just met…”
“No.” his fingers tightened on her flesh. “Promise me you won’t shut me down and have second thoughts. Please.”
“I promise.’ She whispered huskily. “You should go.”
“Yes.” But he did not move, instead his head descended to capture her lips, his tongue plunging inside her mouth. “You are so sweet.” He whispered around the kiss. “So damn potent. I want you, Sadie. I want you so damn much.”
He deepened the kiss, even knowing it was a mad idea and the timing was lousy. He wanted to erase the doubts he had seen gathering. He would rush to the hospital and do his due diligence and get back to the business of wooing her. Of bedding her.
He would never be satisfied with just kissing. He wanted more. He wanted to be buried deep inside her until he was lost completely. When her arms came around his neck and her slender body pressed against his, he felt the passion raging through his blood stream. He had to have her.
Ending the kiss, he stumbled back, his eyes smoldering, his body shuddering as he tried valiantly to get control of his rampaging passion. He stood still for a moment, taking in the disheveled hair, the lips made swollen and wet from his ardency and the dazed expression in her remarkable dark brown eyes before turning away abruptly.
“I will get your jacket and mine.”
Forcing her feet to move, Sadie trailed after him, her thoughts rioting. She was aching. Her breasts were painfully rubbingagainst the material of her sweater and the core of her was swollen and feverish.
In silence, he helped her on with her coat, before donning his and grabbing his key fob. Ushering her out the door, he secured the lock and engaged the alarm. They rode the elevator, each standing a few inches from each other, knowing that one touch would ignite the incredible combustion between them.
He accompanied her to her vehicle and waited until she had pressed the alarm and opened the door. As she was about to get in, he spun her around and hauled her into his arms. Crushing his mouth to hers, he plunged his tongue into the addictive sweetness that was not allowing him to just let go.
His long, lean body pressed her back against the vehicle, his arousal digging into her softness. His hands roamed her body freely, as if wanting to memorize every inch of her, before finally settling on her neck.
As soon as the kiss started, it ended. Stepping back, he took a breath and stared at her as if he was trying to figure out what to do next. His body was pulsating, his cock throbbing. A jolt shotthrough his body as he watched her lift her hand to her lips, fingers pressing against the moistness.
“Jesus!” He whispered raggedly. “Go, now!”
She nodded, understanding why he was asking her to. “Will you let me know?”
“As soon as I can.” He promised.
She fumbled for the door handle.
She closed the door and with a wave, she was gone. He waited until the taillights had disappeared before forcing his feet to move. By this time, his phone was ringing again. With a heavy heart and a feeling of impending doom, he answered.
“I am on my way. Is he…?”
“He is in surgery.”
Pulling into the driveway, Sadie switched off the engine and sat there staring into space. She had spent the entire journey home trying to assimilate the emotions rioting through her body. Her experience with men was not vast. She had had a few flings – had her first real relationship when she was in college.
Ryan had been sweet, but uncomplicated and they had drifted apart when he left to go to Nigeria to do missionary work. After that, she had waited for almost two years before venturing out again, this time with a co-worker which had ended before it started.
She had gone on several dates until she met Shaun and thought this was it. She had been a firsthand witness to true love between her parents and decided that she wanted something like that.
But nothing had prepared her for what was happening now. With a man she just met. A man she hardly knew anything about. A man she had been willing to throw her inhibitions away for. If he had not received the phone call about his dad, she would have willingly gone upstairs with him.