Page 75 of Gary
“I suspect it is St. John’s. It is the closest one. Let me try and find out details and we will go together; you are in no position to drive.”
“That bastard!” Graham could not stand still. “That spineless son of a bitch. Is he dead?”
“He is critical. Your man’s bullet tore through his gut.” Detective Sloane told him grimly. They were in the hospital waiting room where the police were trying to tie up loose ends.
“It’s a lucky thing you had someone tailing your nephew.”
“It’s not luck,” Graham retorted grimly. “I suspected that Gotti would try something pretty soon. He has been harassing Gary ever since he returned, showing up at places where he was. I figured he would try something underhanded, but never this.” He lifted a shaky hand to the back of his neck.
“How is your brother taking it?”
“Not well. He had a mild heart attack when he heard the news, and the doctors ordered him to stay on bed rest.”
“How is your nephew?”
“He has lost a lot of blood. The bullet just missed his spine, but he is bleeding internally.”
They both looked up at the commotion just outside the door before it was flung open.
A young woman came barging in followed by a very harassed looking nurse.
“I tried to tell her that she cannot be here…”
“It’s fine.” He smiled at Sadie. “Come in, my dear.”
“Is there any news?”
“I will be in touch.” Detective Sloane rose and left them alone, closing the door behind him.
“I’m afraid not. Won’t you sit?” He gestured to one of the padded chairs, but she shook her head.
“I can’t. Please, how is he?”
“Critical.” He said bluntly.
She sat then, just sank down in the chair as if her legs had given way.
“I sent him away.” Her hands were gripping each other tightly. “I told him because of his name, I could not be with him.” She shuddered out a breath. “He has to be all right.”
“Turns out that my brother George was not the one to cause the fire. The same person who shot Gary was responsible.”
Her hands flew to her mouth and her eyes filled. “It did not matter. I was planning on calling him today to say that it did not matter and now…,” she swallowed.
“Now, we are going to have to hope for the best,” Graham said gently, “I won’t lose him.”
“Is he still in surgery?”
“No, the surgery took three hours, but he is still critical.”
“I need to see him.”
“He is not allowed visitors right now.”
“His dad?”
“Had a heart attack when the news reached him. I was in a meeting when I received the call, and I rushed here immediately. I never thought to try and cushion the blow for my brother. The uppermost thing on my mind was Gary.”