Page 76 of Gary
Sadie felt as if she was trapped in a nightmare. “How soon before we hear anything?”
“The doctors are keeping me posted. I am happy you are here, my dear.”
He stayed in the ICU for three days, during which, the doctors reported that it was touch and go.
“We have found the source of the bleeding,” they were told gravely, “but he has developed an infection. We will just have to wait and see.”
Sadie did not leave, and no one could persuade her to go home. She was afraid that if she left, the news would come that he was gone.
“Can’t you persuade her to come home?” Sharon asked Graham.
“I am afraid I already tried. She will not leave his side. Not even to get something to eat.”
So, a bed had been set up for her in the room and her mother and Graham made certain she had her meals. Even when she declared she had no appetite.
“Either you eat, or we send you home.” The doctors told her firmly. “We cannot have two sick people to deal with.”
She talked to him every chance she got. Her mother had taken over the running of the shop, because nothing else mattered to her anymore. She just wanted him to open his eyes and stare at her in that intense way of his.
She wanted to hear his deep voice saying that he loved her. She would give anything to go back several days when he had come to her and asked for her forgiveness. And she had turned him away, because of something stupid. She had told him she would never be comfortable with him.
How wrong she had been!
Taking his hand in hers, she pressed it against her cheek and closed her eyes.
“Please wake up, darling,” her breath hitched in her throat, “I want you to wake up and look at me. I want to tell you how much I love you. How much I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you.” Tears leaked from her eyes.
“Please come back to me. Please. You are strong, my love. A little old bullet is not going to stop you. People are rooting for you. Raymond is asking after you every day. Your uncle drops by the building every day to check on things and it is going great.
Reporters are lauding your effort to bring the community back to life. And I am so proud of you darling. Do you hear me? I am proud of you. And I believe you. You wanted to be different, and I applaud that.” She kissed his hand.
You said you wanted to make it up to me. Well then, I am here and waiting for you to do so. Gary, please wake up.” She pleaded.
“Don’t leave me darling. I might be carrying your child. I am sure you will not want me to deal with this baby on my own. Please wake up.” The tears rolled down her cheeks and the bout of sobbing left her feeling exhausted.
She knew she was run down. She was not sleeping well, and she felt exhausted. Her emotions were all over the place and she felt as if she was all alone.
“I need you., she whispered hoarsely, “you came into my life and made yourself indispensable and I need you.” Bending her head, she placed it on his arm and never knew when she fell asleep.
He woke early the next morning and felt as if he was in rather tight blanket with something heavy on his arm.
His eyes flickered open and he stared at pale gray wall in front of him. There was something beeping, some sort of machine and he felt pain when he tried to move. But he could not move his left arm.
His eyes snapped open, memories rushing so swiftly that he had a time sorting them out. He was shot. Even now, he could feel the awful burning sensation in his back. Someone shot him. Before he lost consciousness, he heard a following gunshot and someone shouting.
Turning his head carefully, he felt a jolt as he recognized what had his arm trapped or rather who. The familiar curls were tumbling over his arm. A smile bloomed on his lips and the pain was forgotten. He wasn’t dreaming. She was here. He dreamed he heard her voice, but she was here.
He shifted slightly, not wanting to wake her, but as if she was attuned to his movements, she jerked upright, her eyes flying to his face.
“Gary?” Her voice was husky from sleep. “Gary, you are awake. Oh God! You are awake!”
“Hi.” He whispered. Lifting his hand, he cupped her face. “How are you darling?”
She laughed hysterically and then to his alarm, started sobbing.