Page 3 of Hotel Mallois
"Actually, I have quite a few, daughter. Do you think any of your employees would refuse to give information to Mrs. Taylor's father?"
Mike's laughter calms Katherine, who also catches the humor.
"Well, I hate to tell you they've misinformed you. I didn't fire her, I reassigned her."
"Right," her father rolls his eyes, "what did this one do? Try to organize your desk or your underwear drawer?"
"I just want them to clean the penthouse, Dad. I don't ask them to organize anything."
"First of all, calling living in one of the hotel suites a penthouse seems inaccurate, but fine. Since you're a workaholic and I can't do anything about that, at least I don't have to worry about anything happening to you on your way to work. As for those poor girls, they're just trying to do their job as best they can. It's not their fault your desk looks like a jungle. Even I feel tempted to organize it every time I visit."
"My desk is fine as it is, okay? I know where everything is, and if you dare touch anything, I'll have you banned from the hotel," she threatens playfully just as Mike parks the car.
"I'll escort him, Katherine, stay here," the driver offers, but Katherine declines and, as always, she personally accompanies her father into his apartment and only leaves when she's sure he'll be fine.
Two hours later and after attending a board meeting, Katherine Taylor finally goes up to the top floor of the Mallois Hotel to access the luxurious suite she's turned into her apartment. She takes a shower and collapses on the couch, planning to rest for a few minutes before attending the meeting scheduled in half an hour, but she hasn't even closed her eyes when her mobile starts ringing and Rachel's name, her older sister, appears on the screen.
"Well, you were the only one missing," Katherine says when she answers.
Katherine makes herself comfortable to continue talking with her sister after updating her about their father's hospital visit.
"Hey, when are you coming to visit?" Rachel asks.
"I wish I could, Rachel, really, I'd love to come see you and Ashley, but right now I have tons of work. It'd be easier for you to come here."
"Mmmm," Rachel says, being mysterious.
"What?" Katherine frowns.
"That's impossible right now. Your niece and her friends convinced me to set up a small concert venue in the bar, and you have no idea what a mess I'm dealing with."
"Why blame Ashley when you're the one who's been pushing music on her since she was little?" Katherinelaughs. "You're both the same that way, except she started a band with her friends and you're a lone wolf."
"That's true," Rachel admits.
"Well, if you're renovating the bar, I guess I'll have to come see it when it's all done," Katherine says.
"Hope it's soon, and please, drag Dad and your sister with you."
Katherine laughs and promises she will, but says goodbye and ends the call when someone knocks on her door.
"Hi, Olivia, is it time already?" Katherine asks with a comic grimace when she sees her secretary at the door.
"It is, dear," the woman responds and steps aside to let her pass.
Olivia, who has been working for the Taylor family since Katherine can remember, briefs her on her daily schedule until they reach the elevator. Both women step inside, and Olivia presses the button for the main floor, where, in addition to the reception and two dining rooms, they have several private rooms that clients use for closing deals, and one of them is reserved exclusively for Katherine Taylor.
"Time to put on the bitch mask," Katherine says when the door opens.
Olivia doesn't like the crude language she sometimes hears from Katherine or her younger sister, but she doesn't protest, just nods and follows because she knows Katherine is right - to survive in a man's world, she must become apredator, and if she's famous for anything in business, it's for being as fierce as a wolf.
Chapter 3
"Stop what you're doing right now and come with me," demands the head of housekeeping at the Mallois Hotel.
Jodie, who is changing the sheets on an oversized bed, freezes, not understanding what's happening. Marjorie has entered the room she's cleaning with her usual loud and dismissive tone, accompanied by one of her coworkers, who keeps her head down.
"What's wrong? I still need to finish this room and clean two more," Jodie replies, confused.