Page 4 of Hotel Mallois
"I told you to leave it," Marjorie snaps and turns to look at the other girl. "Regina, take care of finishing what's left."
The girl just nods and approaches the bed to continue her coworker's work. Jodie has no choice but to drop the sheet and leave the room with Marjorie, who keeps glancing at her sideways and shaking her head.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" Jodie asks again, starting to feel nervous about all the mystery.
"The hotel manager is waiting for us," Marjorie responds, cryptic, and continues walking without taking her eyes off the housekeeper.
Jodie decides not to ask any more questions and uses the time it takes to reach the manager's office to mentally review everything she's done in the last twenty-four hours. Yesterday, she finished her shift at the hotel and went to the bar where she works in the evenings. When she arrived, her boss was leaving, and Jodie didn't miss the chance to claim the salary she'd been waiting for days, but the bastard only paid her a portion. She didn't think twice and went straight to the nursing home, talked to those in charge, handed over the money, and reached an agreement—again—committing to pay the remainder in the coming days. They weren't very happy there, but at least she managed to ensure they'd continue caring for her mother. She couldn't see her, unfortunately, but she knows that by the end of the week, they'll be able to spend some good time together. Today, she's returned to the hotel, first cleaning one of the dining rooms with two coworkers, then moving through the rooms until Marjorie appeared. Jodie concludes she hasn't done anything she should fear.
"Go in," Marjorie tells her when they reach the hotel manager's door.
The man, always serious-looking, sits behind his desk with visible annoyance on his face.
"Mr. Kumar, will you explain what's happening?" asks the housekeeper, tired of the dirty looks and lack of answers.
"We've received a complaint from a guest," Lamir Kumar begins. "He assures us that this morning he left his room for breakfast, and when he returned, it had been cleaned, but his watch was missing."
Jodie raises her eyebrows in surprise. It's quite common for these types of thefts to occur in hotels, but at the Mallois, it's not usual. The pay is good, employees have flexible hours and work-life balance; in New York, that's rare to see. That's why many people want to work at Katherine Taylor's hotels, and those already on staff, grateful for the good conditions, remain loyal and respectful.
"And what do I have to do with all this?" asks Jodie, who hasn't yet realized she's there because they think she's the culprit.
"The security team has reviewed the cameras, and you're seen entering minutes after the guest left his room. Half an hour later, you appear again, this time pushing the cart down the hall after closing the door," explains Lamir after adjusting his glasses with his finger and then placing his hands on his desk.
Jodie frowns; there's no way they're going to accuse her of something she hasn't done. If she were the type to steal, she wouldn't be in such a precarious situation, and she certainly wouldn't have to make deals or pay interest at her mother's nursing home. She opens her mouth to defend herself, but Marjorie speaks first.
"We need to search her," the supervisor decides and approaches the housekeeper. "From experience, they neverkeep the loot in their locker, they usually hide it in their clothes."
Jodie takes two steps back and hardens her expression.
"You haven't even heard my side, and you're not only accusing me but also trying to search me, which by the way is illegal and only the police can do," she responds, looking into Marjorie's eyes and alternating with those of the hotel manager.
Lamir Kumar shifts uncomfortably in his chair, knowing the girl is right, but he struggles to control the supervisor's zeal, whom he fears more than his own wife.
"That's what they all say, but if you were innocent, you wouldn't mind letting us confirm you're not hiding anything on your body," Marjorie continues and this time moves closer to Jodie.
Jodie Sinclair's nostrils flare rapidly. She looks at Marjorie with a defiant attitude; she's not a thief, and no one is going to falsely accuse her. Fortunately, the manager clears his throat, rises from the chair where he seems to have been glued, and brings order.
"I need to call Ms. Taylor's secretary to report what happened and let her notify the police, it's protocol," the man settles with a loud voice and picks up the phone resting on the polished wood.
Marjorie isn't very satisfied but stays still watching as the manager picks up the device.
"Keep her in your office, I'm going to call Chief Greenwood of the New York Police and have him send apatrol right now," says Olivia, who's on the phone with Lamir Kumar.
"What happened, Olivia?" asks Katherine Taylor, who's on the couch with her laptop on her legs.
"The manager informs me there's a theft complaint against one of the housekeepers, I'm going to activate the protocol," explains the secretary, and before she can make the first call, Katherine stops her.
"I'll go," she says, to the secretary's amazement. Katherine doesn't usually handle these matters personally. "I need to get out of here to clear my head, and this way I'll find out firsthand what's going on."
"Wouldn't you prefer the security team handle it as usual?" asks Olivia, puzzled.
"Today's meetings have left me overwhelmed and tired," Katherine responds, standing up. "Some fresh air will do me good."
Olivia simply nods and, as soon as her boss steps out of the suite, calls Mike to inform him that Katherine is moving through the facilities. The few times these incidents occur at the Mallois Hotel, the security team, led by Katherine's bodyguard, is the first to be informed, and although they're usually not inside where the first conversation with those involved takes place, they're always outside to ensure the situation is controlled.
Katherine Taylor walks calmly to the manager's office, observing everything around her to verify nothing is out of place. When she reaches the door, she knocks twice and enters the office.
"Ms. Taylor," Lamir Kumar stands up as if he had a spring in his rear, surprised by Katherine Taylor's presence.