Page 24 of A Fate of Wings
The quiet rap ofRaelin’s knuckles stopped me from responding. I yanked the sheet from the bed so hard, he rolled to the side with a chuckle. Wrapping the fabric around my shoulders, I strutted to the door and unlocked it. Raelin streamed inside, her arms laden with layers of navy blue and citrine fabric highlighted with gold stitching. Of course, she’d thought ahead and requested the seamstress put together an outfit for the Beast.
“Good morning, your majesty.” She dipped a curtsy, her eyes skittering to the bed and the demon lounging back in all his naked glory. Her cheeks flushed a bright crimson. “Your highness.”
His eyebrows rose. “Are they for me?”
“Yes.” She inched closer to the bed and laid the clothes on the end. She turned to me. “Let’s get you dressed for breakfast. What would you like to wear today?”
I brushed my tangled hair back. “I’m feeling red today.”
Raelin grinned. “I know the dress.”
She walked to the closet and rustled through the silk gowns. The Beast watched her every movement. I might almost have been jealous if not for the cold, calculating glitter in his ebony eyes. He was assessing his new territory. I picked up my hairbrush and untangled the ends.
Warm, calloused hands caught mine as he took the brush from my grip.
“Allow me.” His voice was firm yet gentle. All cockiness was gone for the moment.
His hands worked with quick efficiency, brushing out the knots until my hair hung tangle-free to my waist once more. He dropped a kiss on the top of my head in a sweet gesture, so at odds with his attitude. I gazed at him over my shoulder. His smile was slow and sensual as it formed on his lips. An answering smile tugged the corners of my lips.
Raelin cleared her throat. “Your gown.”
“Yes. Dress. Breakfast. Then preparations for the claiming and coronation ceremony.”
“You’re claiming me and crowning me?” His brows rose.
“Yes, that was the point of this whole thing.”
“And here I thought it was about sex.”
Raelin gasped.
“Leave us.” I waved my hand at the door.
“But your dress?”
“I’ll help her into it, just as I’ll help her out of it,” the Beast said with a salacious grin.
Raelin scurried from my bedchambers.
“Did you have to embarrass her?” I folded my arms, dropping the sheet.
“She needs more backbone.” He shrugged.
“She has plenty of backbone. You haven’t been here long enough to see it. Raelin is the only siren here I trust.”
He needed to know my view on Raelin even if I wanted him to trust her himself. I couldn’t have him scaring away the people I trusted.
“Interesting, since you have a twin sister.” He rubbed his jaw.
It was my turn to shrug. “Family. What can I say?”
His eyes narrowed. “My brother is King of the Demons, and I’d trust him with my life.”
“You are royalty?”
“Yes. Does that surprise you?” he asked.
“No.” I shook my head. If anything, it made perfect sense that fate would send me a strong demon royal as my mate. A mate who could protect me from threats. Had he watched for threats for his brother while in the Winter Court? “But does he trust you?”