Page 13 of Kings of Violence
I try to tell myself that it’s better this way, that it means I can get a sense of my bearings, but it doesn’t help — especially when we come across the first set of guards at the top of the stairs.
“Look,” Nikolai crows. “This is ours now.” He jabs a finger between my legs, and to my horror, a trail of semen and my own wetness comes out.
The guard, a man with a beard thicker than Kotya’s, takes a long look, and I close my eyes. “Is she for everyone?” he asks.
“No,” Kotya says immediately. “Unless she doesn’t like us. Maybe then we will find her more men to try out, until she finds somebody she enjoys.”
I can hear the threat in that statement. If I don’t behave, if I don’t play along, then I get shared with everybody in the household. “I enjoyed you! I’m good!” I hurry to say.
“You heard the man,” Nikolai says with a wolfish grin, clasping the guard on the shoulder. “Maybe we will find you a new toy toplay with. But would it be a boost to your morale or a distraction, eh?”
The other guard snorts. “For him? A constant distraction. Better to keep the women away, Nikolai.”
The bearded one scowls at him, and they start bickering in Russian as Kotya continues to walk through the house.
There are so many guards here, but then, it’s a large house, and things in New Bristol aren’t exactly peaceful these days. It feels like there are even more, too, because they stop to show me off each time we get close to them.
I’m sure I’m going to die of mortification by the time we get to wherever they’re taking me, but I manage to get there fully conscious and coherent.
I expected a cell of some sort, but instead, it’s a simple guest bedroom. There’s even a TV and a shelf with books on it. Kotya sets me down on the bed and gives me a calculating look.
“Do we need to chain you?” Kotya asks. “Or will you behave overnight?”
“You don’t need to chain me,” I say quickly. The number of guards is enough to dissuade me from trying anything. I’m not stealthy or particularly sneaky, and the idea that I’d get far is laughable.
Kotya glances toward Nikolai, then back to me. “Hmm. I don’t trust you.” He laughs. “Let’s make it a test. Tomorrow morning, we will see how obedient you are. Do not clean yourself up. I want to see the mess tomorrow, too.”
“You want me to stay like this all night?” I ask, incredulous. “No.” I want all of this out of me. I want the reminder of them gone. I don’t want to feel them drying on my body any more than they already have.
“No?” Nikolai asks, quirking a brow. “Is that a word you’re allowed to say,zaya?”
I grit my teeth.
Kotya shrugs. “If you cannot obey, then we bind your hands. Nikolai, go to my room and grab the manacles.”
“Wait!” I say hurriedly. “I’ll…” I grimace. “I’ll leave it.”
I probably won’t.
“Don’t lie to us,” Nikolai says, reaching down to pet my face. “You will regret it.” He shrugs, though. “But it’d be fun if you didn’t behave. For us.”
“I’ll be angry if you disobey,” Kotya says, smirking. “I’m sure you don’t want to see me angry.”
“You sound like a bad movie villain,” I mutter.
Chuckling, Nikolai heads for the door. “Be a good girl,zaya. Or don’t.”
Then they’re gone, and I’m left alone with my shame.
I wake up horny.
That’s nothing new, of course, but whatisnew is that I have a perfectly accessible outlet for my arousal that doesn’t involve my hand.
Sometimes a guy just wants to fuck.