Page 14 of Kings of Violence
Casual one-night-stands are great and all, but I’d started to get bored. There’s a missing connection, a spark, and I’d all but resigned myself to losing out on it until we’d found the Winters chick.
My hand goes to my cock, lazily pumping it as I think about the way she’d looked impaled on my dick, impaled on Konstantin’s as he takes his turn with sloppy seconds. I know he wished he had Yuri there, too; we both do. There’s just something about seeing a chick completely filled in every hole, sloppy with so much cum.
Soon. We’ll get to see that again soon.
I get up, texting Konstantin to let him know I’m awake and that I’m heading to our pretty little captive’s room. I want to see if she defied our order to leave herself full of our cum.
It’s a fifty/fifty shot. I don’t know her well enough to even beginto guess whether she’d risk being punished this early on, and while she seems to be smart enough, that doesn’t mean anything.
I grin as I think about how freaked out she’d been about us coming inside of her completely bare.
She is going to be so, so much fun to play with.
I scowl when I get Konstantin’s answering text, though. With Yuri gone these past two years, he’s had to do more, be more careful with who we trust, and that means he can’t always come and play with me.
I get dressed, having to shift my erection in my pants, then head to the room we’d designated for our little rabbit. It had all been so spur of the moment that we don’t have proper security measures in place for her, but it’s not like she’s going to jump out a third floor window or try to get past our guards unless she seriously has a hard-on for pain.
Without knocking, I let myself into her room, and I’m a little surprised to find that she’s still asleep, face down on the bed.
Surprised, but pleased, because it means I get to take her in at my own pace. I circle the bed, enjoying the way she looks sprawled across it, blankets kicked to the foot instead of covering her body. Her lips are slightly parted, which gives me more than a few ideas, and her legs are spread. I don’t see a towel or any indication that she’d cleaned herself up, which is both disappointing and satisfying all at once. Obedience is good, though, and besides, it’s not like I need a reason to rough her up.
Fuck, I’m horny, and having 24/7 access to a woman like this is intoxicating. I move closer to her, not wanting to wake her just yet, and stop just shy of actually touching her lips. It’s a close thing.
I can wake her up with my cock in her mouth, but that means the potential of teeth if she jerks awake too quickly and responds in a reflex. I can also wake her up with my cock in her cunt, an idea that has its own merits.
Decisions, decisions.
I run a hand down her back, stopping to appreciate her nice ass. It’s got just enough definition to where I’m sure she hits up the gym at least occasionally. I spread her ass cheeks and look at both of herholes. I can already imagine Yuri and I taking her at the same time, one cock in each hole, and that has my cock throbbing harder.
I frown when I realize the skin between her thighs isn’t as tacky as I’d expected. There’s no evidence of the mess Konstantin and I had made last night.
Maybe it just rubbed off naturally during the night. Maybe she actively cleaned it off.
Either way, I need to sully her all over again.
“You’re just begging for my cock, aren’t you, zaya?” I whisper.
She whimpers and shifts a little, but she doesn’t wake.
That decides it. I shed my pants and my boxer briefs, letting them fall to the floor with the thud of my phone hitting alongside them. I ignore it; I don’t really give a fuck if anyone but Konstantin decides they need me right now, and even Konstantin would be pushing it because he knows where I am and what I’m up to.
I carefully climb onto the bed, and she starts to stir. Before she can fully rouse, I get her into position, and I carefully shove my cock into her dry pussy. It’s not the most comfortable thing in the world, but it’s worth it to feel how she moans and convulses.
“Morning, zaya,” I whisper. “If you’re awake, lift those hips a little more for me.”
She doesn’t, which I’ll assume means she’s still sleeping.
Fuck, this is so hot. She’s a lot more pliant than she was last night, her body still heavy from sleep and unable to tense up against me.
I push her ass up a little more, giving me better access to her cunt. Her body shudders, and she makes noises that let me know she’s on the verge of waking up.
How hot would it be if she stayed passed out for the entirety of a fuck, though? I might need to see about getting drugs that keep her passed out. It’s not a kink I knew I had, but her ability to sleep through all of this has me thinking.
I start thrusting properly, not caring if I wake her or not. I do feel it the moment she wakes, though, because her entire body tenses and she lets out a panicked sound.
“What—” she starts, only to yelp as I bottom out inside of her.Her cunt tightens wonderfully around me as she tries to struggle, but she’s as weak as the little rabbit I’ve named her.