Page 60 of This Broken Heart
“Hmm.” He murmurs, his voice vibrating through his chest. My body wants to lean into that sound, to feel his hard chest against my back.
“If you don’t want me talking to your friends, why didn’t you just give me the night off?”
There’s an unspoken rule between us where we act like we’re just buds. Roommates. Like he’s not my boss and I’m not his employee. Mentioning time off sort of prods at that flaw in our relationship.
He’s quiet for a beat. “I don’t want you to want my friends.”
Those words swirl around in my mind, refusing to assimilate.
He gathers my hair in his hand and slides it over one shoulder. His lips brush along my neck in a feather-light touch. My neck automatically bends to his touch, curving towards his mouth. But just as quickly, he steps back, slipping out of the room.
I stand there, feeling confused and horny.
And very annoyed.
With no viable outlet, I stew and stew until the game is over and everyone finally leaves.
When the door closes behind Charlie, I lean against the doorframe to the kitchen, arms crossed. “We need to talk.”
He turns around, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Okay.” He says slowly, studying my face. “About what?”
“About earlier.”
“What about it?”
“You’ve got to make up your mind.” I say, exasperated.
“About what?”
My face reddens slightly. I frown. “If you don’t want me to date your friends, then just say so.”
“I thought I did say that.”
“Are you harboring feelings for me?”
The words sort of hang in the air between us. He winces. “No.”
“But I can’t talk to anyone else?”
“I just don’t want you going down the line, dating each of my friends.”
It takes me a few seconds to respond. My heart is in my throat. “I can’t believe you would think I’m that kind of girl.”
“I don’t know what kind of girl you are. You screwed around with me and I’m your boss.”
“Nice, Josh. Real nice.” I spin on heel, marching down the hall before he can see the tears.
Am I a total dick?
I believe the answer to that question would be a resoundingyes.
I want to be the kind of guy who knows exactly what to say. Who knows what he wants and never hurts the people he cares about.
But I’m the type of guy who sometimes has a hard time getting out of bed. I’m the sort of guy who loves his kids more than oxygen, but sometimes gets so frustrated with them I feel like a pot boiling over.