Page 24 of Summer Message
“Matt, please call me Will. I was calling to let you know there’s a faculty meeting next Wednesday night. I don’t have you in the system yet, so you wouldn’t have received the email about it. It’s a meet and greet for the new staff to go over the school schedule. And you’ll meet more of your athletic team.”
“Sounds good to me. I’ll be there. It’ll be nice to get my schedule for football camp, games, and all of that fun stuff.” We laugh.
I’m looking forward to getting back on the field. We hang up as I leave the parking lot. I take off my badge and put it in my console. The phone is now hooked up to my truck, so I can easily call people with my voice.
“Call Kris.” I say out loud. The truck dials her number. She answers the phone winded. “Are you okay?” I’m stuck in traffic. Lovely rush hour.
“Yeah. I’m carrying in some groceries and my overnight bag.” She huffs into the other end of the phone.
“You could’ve left the bag in your car. Your boyfriend is a strong guy,” I tease.
“What, am I not strong enough to do for myself?”
I roll my eyes. She likes to test me a lot. I’m learning lots of patience with my girl.
“Obviously, you can do it by yourself, but all I’m saying is you don’t have to.” She sighs into the phone. I can tell that she’s rolling her eyes. “What do you want to do for dinner? Go out or cook something together?”
“I’m cooking dinner tonight, which includes dessert. And no it’s not me.” I laugh. She knows me too well already.
“Alright. The way traffic is, it’s taking me longer to get home.”
“It’s okay. I’m starting up the side dishes and grill.”
We say goodbye and hang up. I sat in traffic for what seems like days, but now I’m finally pulling into my parking spot at the house. I climb out and see Kristina standing in the doorway with a smile on her face. I can definitely get used to this. I want this in my life.
“Hey, baby.” She runs down the steps, into my arms. “I missed you today.”
“I missed you, too. I have some news.” I tell her about the call and meeting. “I’m happy to be able to meet my coworkers.”
“Good. I wonder if your team will play my high school. That could be fun!” Kristina smiles at me. “Come inside. Dinner is almost ready.”
“It smells like heaven in here and I’m so hungry. Do I have time to shower and change before we eat?”
She nods and tells me to hurry up. I had physical therapy today, so my leg is tender, but my boss said not to worry about it because this is normal. I sigh as I let the hot water cascade down me. I wish Kristina was in here with me. I shut the water off when it starts to get cold. Wrapping the towel around my waist, I walk into my bedroom to see Kristina sitting on the bed.
“I figured that we wouldn’t move from the bed a lot, so we might as well have a picnic. Clothes are optional, but that towel is very nice.” Kristina smiles. “I have steak, my gram’s homemade macaroni salad, and corn on the cob.” She gets off the bed slowly, bending over as she pulls something out of a picnic basket. “For dessert, I give you chocolate covered strawberries.” She’s holding a platter.
“What did I do to deserve all of this?” I tease her as I slide on a pair of boxer briefs.
“In a couple of weeks, we’re going to have to get on a new schedule of seeing each other on weekends and on school days off, so I thought that I’d spoil you a little tonight. We have family get-togethers coming up too. Which I’m dreading, by the way.”
“We have tonight together before your cousin comes in?” She nods. “Let’s eat, then I can enjoy devouring you all night.”
Kristina and I enjoy dinner together talking about school, starting work for her, and my family coming in at the end of July for my birthday. They want to meet the woman who has me smiling every time I talk to them. I know they’ll love her as much as I do.
Fourth of July night
“Matt, you’re funny.” Charli and Matt come out of my house.
I made the fire pit in the back after Matt and I talked it over. It gives us the perfect view for the fireworks. The town had a parade, which was a lot of fun. Mrs. Michaels introduced me to some of the teachers that I’ll be working with, and I was able to meet a ton of students. The Michaels, their grandson, and a few of the friends that he made are here for the fireworks show.
Randi and I have been shopping, exploring the town while Matt and Charli cooked for us. It was a lot of fun. My parents had to cancel at the last minute, but it was a relief for me because I didn’t need the added stress.I was nervous about the whole parents meeting the boyfriend thing.
“This has been so much fun with you.” I hug Randi as she stands by the fire.