Page 25 of Summer Message
Charli and Matt went to get the makings for s’mores and mountain pies. The drinks are flowing for the adults, while the kids are drinking pop. It’s starting to get dusk and we know the fireworks will be going off soon.
“S'mores or mountain pie to start?” Matt asks me.
“S’mores. Don’t burn my marshmallow, Collins.” I poke his chest as he kisses me. I can’t stop smiling as he walks away from me.
“Happy looks good on you.” Randi says as she stares at Matt.
He’s goofing off with kids. The school he’s coaching at plays us in October. The kids are teasing him about it.
“I always wanted what you have with Charli, what Grammy and Grampy had, and what my mom and dad have. I think this is it, but it’s only been a little over a month. Can I dare be excited for this?” I whisper to Randi, making sure Matt can’t hear me.
“Slow down. Right now, everything is new and exciting. Don’t go getting your head stuck in the clouds.”
I huff and walk away from Randi, into the house. I need to get away from her. I decide to straighten up my kitchen. I need to keep my hands busy since my mind wants to go tell off my cousin for being right and non-supportive. Matt is the first guy who made me feel like I have a future with someone.I should take it slow. But I can’t help it. I think I love him.
“What did she say?” Charli stands next to me. I turn my head to look at her, wiping tears from my cheeks. “Let me guess,” she starts, and I shake my head no.
“I don’t want to talk about it. It’s silly high school stuff.” I sniffle. “She knows how to get into my head.”
“She’s worried about you. I think she’s being too overprotective, but that’s my opinion.” She hands me a tissue.
“Why does she have to do that and not let me enjoy living life?” I throw the garbage away.
“Because she loves you and doesn’t want you to get hurt. Live your life without question.” Charli hugs me.
“But?” I stare at her, waiting for her to drop the other shoe.
“But nothing. Live your life.”
We walk outside and I feel a little better. Matt is sitting on the blanket that we laid out. He has two beers waiting for us. I sit down next to him. I’m sure he can tell something is off when I grab the beer bottle without talking to him.
“You okay?” I nod. “What’s going on? Talk to me.” He rubs my arm.
“Can we talk later? I want to enjoy all of this with you.” I cuddle into him.
The fireworks were a great show. Everyone was oohing and aahing while laughing at stories people were telling. It was a great night that we needed, and it reaffirmed to me that I was home.
After I hugged my guests goodbye, Randi and Charli went inside. Matt and I are next to the fire. We’re sitting on the logs that I was able to find on Facebook through the Marketplace. Someone made them and with the help of Mrs. Michaels, we painted the tops with glow in the dark paint. I’ll have a ring of colors.
Matt is adds more twigs to the fire. “It’s later. So, let’s talk. What made you cry earlier?” He’s standing across the fire from me. “Or should I ask, who?”
“Randi said something about us and it had me upset.” I sigh. I relay the message and Matt stares at me. “I know she’s right to a point, but it still sucks.”
He walks around the fire and kneels in front of me.“Look into my eyes.” I do as I’m told. “I like the way things are with us. We’re a new couple. We’re also new to what a real relationship is.”
We’ve never shied away from honestly talking about our former relationships, or rather lack thereof. Matt is my first serious boyfriend, but I can see a future with him when I look into his eyes. I’d hope that he sees the same things.
“Right now, we’re taking things daily. And that’s okay. But there’s something you need to know.” He sighs. “I love you, Kristina.”
I smile at him. “I love you, too. I’ve been wanting to say it for so long.” I laugh as I kiss him. “I love being your girlfriend and exploring where things are going for us. I’m sorry that I got into my head so much. I don’t want to hurt our relationship.”
“You couldn’t hurt us, but when you’re feeling like this, talk to me. I’m here for you. I love you, and I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” He kisses me and picks me so I’m sitting on his lap. “We’ll have hard times, but we’ll get through it. We just have to take it one day at a time.”
Little did I know that statement of hard times would come true so fast.