Page 61 of Death Deals
“She’s not going anywhere with you,” he said.
With one more look at my neck, Cole shook his head. “You’re going to want to see this.”
He’d piqued my curiosity.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
Cole held out his hand, allowing me to go first. From my peripheral vision, I saw him give Andre a smug look before shooting up to match my pace. Andre followed close behind.
“Where are we going?” I asked as he led us out of the theater and onto the sidewalk. The night was blistering cold, and I wrapped my arms around myself. As expected, it did nothing to keep the warmth in.
When something heavy dropped onto my shoulders and the familiar scent of Andre’s cologne tickled my nose, I knew he’d given me his jacket again.
“Thanks,” I said to him from over my shoulder.
He nodded.
“Come on,” Cole said through clenched teeth. He all but jumped into the street, hurrying to the other side. Andre and I rushed to keep up.
He guided us around another abandoned building to a loading dock in the back. Trudging over to the garage bay door, he fiddled with the handle before yanking the door up. The metal screeched loudly in protest, but when it was fully open, he waved us inside. Sawdust covered every inch of the place, and the scents of pine and cedar clung to the air. Up some very questionable looking steps and we came onto a platform meant for storing what looked to be lumber.
And—to my complete surprise—my friends.
There stood Marla’s niece, Arianna, my best friend, Kay, Wyatt’s son, Sean, and… Eli. I balked at the sight of him, my chest contracting painfully.
I didn’t have time to dwell. Eli crossed the room with quick steps, his spear materializing in thin air. With a flick of his wrist, he swirled it before aiming it at Andre’s chest.
I stepped between them, hands out. The action knocked Andre’s jacket from my shoulders. “Whoa, Eli, no. What are you doing?”
“Isn’t it obvious, Blackwell,” Andre drawled behind me. “He’s trying to kill me.”
Eli remained in an offensive stance, weapon never wavering. “He’s a vampire,” he said.
“Yeah, and she’s a witch.” I pointed to Arianna, and then Kay and Sean, labeling them at each turn. “She’s a Medium. Human. We’re angels, and he” —my eyes landed on Cole— “is an asshole.” Accurate, but still— “I mean half-demon.”
Sean snorted a laugh from over his laptop and the other gadgets he had set up on a pile of plywood. That earned him a glare from Cole.
“This is an equal opportunity group,” I went on. “Put the spear down.”
“Let the angel kill him,” Cole said with a shrug. “It’s getting a little too crowded in here anyway.”
“Guardian,” Eli corrected and lowered his weapon.
At least it looked like I didn’t have to explain what we were anymore to anyone. Eli must have let them all know. No going back now.
I released a relieved breath. “Thank you,” I said to Eli. “Besides, Andre saved my life that night. If it wasn’t for him—”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure he did,” Cole growled. “Did he save you tonight, too? Is that what those marks are from on your neck?Savingyour life?”
My hand flew to cover the spot. The wound had scabbed over, but it was still obvious what they were.
“Hebityou?” Eli said, anger flashing in his eyes as he turned on Andre. “You drank holy blood?”
Andre didn’t back down, of course. He pushed passed me, his fangs on display. “Why yes, I did. And it was delicious.”
Holy shit. This wasn’t going well.
Eli raised his spear again.