Page 62 of Death Deals
The tension in the room was stifling. I knew Cole and Andre had always had a contentious relationship, but I didn’t expect this. Honestly, I didn’t know where Cole’s animosity was coming from. He was unpredictable like that.
Eli, on the other hand, didn’t trust either man. That was clear on his face, but he’d been desperate to find me, and now that he had, there was no need for them anymore. He didn’t mind so much my and Andre’s relationship, or whatever it was. Just like he hadn’t cared about my and Cole’s romp in the motel room. He cared more about my blood—holy blood—being given to an unworthy creature. A vampire.
Cole had been right about one thing—the room was feeling overcrowded now.
“Cut the shit,” I snapped to the three of them. “This is ridiculous.”
“You know vampires only care about one thing, Jade,” Cole said. “It’s obvious he’s using you as a free meal.”
“Two things, Masters,” Andre stressed. “You forgot the sex.”
He wasn’t making this any better, and he was fully aware of it, too. He was doing everything he could to raise a reaction out of Cole.
Worst of all, it was working.
Cole’s fists clenched at his sides, and I could have sworn the scent of smoke tickled my nose. His demon powers rising to the surface.
A sudden arctic blast of wind whipped past us all, cold enough to steal my breath. Everyone turned toward Arianna, who was standing there in her typical band tee, tight pants, and heavy makeup with another swirling cloud in her opened palm.
She let out an annoyed grunt. “Christ, I didn’t know this was going to turn into a ‘Jade’s Ex-boyfriend Convention.’ Get it together, boys.”
Eli lowered his spear again, and this time, it disappeared into thin air. Cole trudged over to Sean, who was pretending to be transfixed with something imaginary on his screen. Andre stepped back, mumbling something in French that I couldn’t hear completely.
Arianna snuffed out her magic and rolled her eyes. “Men.”
Preach, girl.
With that display of manly douchebaggery behind us, Kay rushed over to me and threw her arms around me in a fierce hug.
“Jade, thank goodness we found you.” She squeezed me even tighter. “We were all so worried.”
I smiled, thrilled to see her safe after I’d seen her die in my third Trial. Even though I wasn’t one for hugging, I didn’t push away, enjoying the calmness her presence always brought me.
“What are you doing here?” I asked her. “All the way in Michigan? What about Zach?” He was another I’d seen in my Trials, so I wanted to hear he was fine from her own lips instead of Eli’s or Michael’s.
Before letting me go, she whispered so only I could hear, “Don’t worry about them. You look beautiful.” Then, stepping back, she followed up with, “Lawrence has Zach back home. He passed his test. He’s now a level two, thanks to Arianna.”
I peered around her to the young witch. She gave me a small wave.
I waved back.
“How did you all get up here?” I asked next.
“After Sean and Cole tracked your vampire friend’s phone, we jumped on the next plane,” Arianna answered and hooked a thumb toward Andre.
I looked over at the two men in the corner. Cole was handing Sean his earpiece while they murmured to each other in hushed tones.
“But why?”
“What do you mean why?” Arianna crossed her arms. “You were missing.”
“She’s right, Jade. Eli came to me and told us something had happened after your Trials,” Kay said.
“On Christmas of all days,” Arianna added in.
I glanced Eli’s way. He had resorted to standing like a soldier at attention, shoulders pulled back, and silent.
I had a feeling Eli would be panicking when I’d disappeared from Heaven, but I’d never expected him to recruit my living friends to find me. He must have been desperate.