Page 106 of The Sweet Spot
“Oh, good. Hey, we’ll probably be in Walnut Creek until pretty late, so I might stay with Luca tonight.”
“Of course, you will.” She grins cheekily, resuming the design she’s painting on the nail of her big toe. “Have fun, be safe. Say hi to Luca for me if I don’t see you guys.”
Jumping into my car, I head over to the East Field’s parking lot which is half full despite the fact I’m early. I wave to a girl I know and join the queue waiting for the shuttle that’ll bring us over to the ceremony spot on the field.
It’s tempting to text Luca, but he’s got enough to think about without me bugging him, so I resist the urge. We went to bed early for once, going our separate ways after sharing an early dinner with friends on the beach as the sun set last night.
The next couple of days are going to be difficult. On one hand, I’m excited because it’s summer—the summer I get to get away. By this time in two weeks, I’ll be in New York City, a place I’ve always fantasized about. And then…everywhere else. It’s hard to wrap my head around, despite the brand-new passport sitting on my desk and the tasteful luggage set the Mangal family gifted me to celebrate my trip.
But on the other hand, I’ll be separated from Luca for the first time since we started dating. Even though the past few months have been a dream, there’s a tiny part of me that worries things won’t be the same when he gets back from Brazil—if he comes back. He’ll be gone for such a long time, returning to a place where he has another life, whether he sees it that way or not. He has roots there, family, friends—a chance at a career, if he wants. And while I believe him when he says he doesn’t want the career, I alsothink there’s a connection to his dad and their country that keeps Luca going back.
I love him. I love him enough that I want his happiness no matter what he chooses, but also enough that being apart is going to hurt. A lot.
The shuttle lurches to a stop. Taking a deep breath, I stand up and follow everyone off, letting the collective buzz of anticipation take me to a happier headspace. And honestly, it’s easy to let the excitement of the day and the beauty of UCSC’s East Field distract me. Hundreds upon hundreds of people, looking somewhat like confetti in their colorful clothing, mill about the open space. Bright white tents are set up near the sand, but most people have wandered over to the field’s edge, which overlooks Monterey Bay.
My heart squeezes as I walk over, and I pause, soaking in the view. Gramma Kate and I took lots of meandering walks around campus when I was little, many culminating in this very spot. It’s as breathtaking today as it was back then. Most of the fog’s gone, leaving the day so clear that I can see the tiny triangles of sailboats bobbing in the broad expanse of blue-green water. Directly across the bay, the Santa Lucia mountains float up from a gauzy swath of mist.
My phone rings from my bag, interrupting my reverie.
“Hello? Luca?”
“Hey! You here yet? Mãe’s looking for you.”
Warmed by the thought, I turn away from the bay and squint around the masses of people. “Yeah, I’m here. Just admiring the view. Where is she?”
“Oh—if you’re over by the edge of the field, then stay put. I’ll have her findyou.”
“Okay.” I bite my lip, heart warm. “Thanks.”
He’s quiet for a moment, the ruckus of whatever is happening on his end filling the airwaves. “Hey. Sorry, it’s crazy over here.”
“I bet. Go ahead; I’ll catch you after.”
“Okay.” He pauses. “Hey.”
My heart skips at the grit in his voice. “Yeah?”
“Thanks for being here.”
I wrinkle my nose, laughing. “Of course, I’m here! Where else would I be?”
“Just letting you know. All right, gotta go.”
We disconnect, and I turn back around, snapping a few photos of the bay to send my mother. I would send them to Gramma Kate, too, but she’s avidly against texting. I’ll save these for our next visit.
Mãe—Marissa—and her husband Dominic emerge from the crowd.
“Hi, Wren,” calls Marissa, waving wildly, a radiant grin stretching across her face. “We have been looking everywhere for you! Come on, come on!”
“Hi!” I laugh, allowing myself to be enveloped in a hug. “Sorry! I was admiring the view—”
“Oh, I know it’s gorgeous, but come—Nico, Phoebe and the kids are saving our spot, but we have to hurry. You know how these people are. They…”She rambles on, hurrying ahead as Dominic looks helplessly back at me.
“She’s been like this all day,” he says, slipping his hands into his pockets. “You don’t want to see the kitchen.”
“Is it a mess?” I giggle, falling into step with him.
“Oh no, no.” His caterpillar eyebrows shoot up. “She cooked through the night and cleaned all morning. Had me hanging banners and balloons and all kind of—”