Page 107 of The Sweet Spot
“And I will do the same for Daniel’s graduation!” Marissa calls back, obviously having heard.
We join the rest of the family, where Nico’s wife Phoebe pats the seat beside her and welcomes me with a hug. Delia slides over, touching the little bows keeping my straps up.
“This is so pretty,” she says, biting her lip shyly. “You always have the prettiest dresses.”
“Aw, thank you!” I touch the cap sleeve of her mint green dress, nodding. “But I loveyourdress. You look like a princess.”
Her cheeks color. “That’s what my dad said.”
Before I can reply, a loud voice booms over my head. “Olá, Marissa! Como você esta? Dominic? How’re you doing, man?”
Startled, I look up at a tall, broad-shouldered man standing behind our row of seats. He’s dressed impeccably, in a gray suit, and handsome, with salt and pepper hair, a trim beard, and reddish-gold skin.
He looks just like Luca and Nico. Or rather, they look like him. This must be Carlos.
“Olá, Carlos,” Marissa says, one hand on her hip as the two men shake hands. “I didn’t think you were going to make it—you’re late!”
“I’m not late!” Carlos protests, tapping his watch. His accent isn’t as strong as I’d imagined. That makes sense, I suppose—he was born and raised in the States, after all. “The ceremony hasn’t even started yet.”
“You’re fine,” Dominic says calmly, obviously used to this. “We have a seat for you right up here.”
Luca did mention that his father would probably be attending the commencement ceremony, but as the days went by and we got caught up in the end of the year flurry of exams and graduation, I forgot.
But as I watch Carlos Cardoso interact with the people around him, I can see why Luca has a hard time refusing him. He’s commanding and charismatic, and he has probably never heard the word no. I’d imagine it would be hard to resist, having someone like that believe in you. Luca told me once that Veritas was always meant to be a family affair.
It was probably always eventually meant to be Luca’s.
* * *
Luca slides his arms around me, burying his nose in my neck as he hugsme from behind. Squealing in surprise, I spin around and hug him back, covering his laughing face in kisses. “Congrats, graduate!”
“Thank you, thank you.” He squirms from my kisses, holding my face so he can plant a big one on my mouth before pulling me to his side.
“Could you hear us cheering?” I ask, leaning into him as we walk toward his family.
“Yeah, especially Nico’s whistle.” He snorts. “I bet Mãe loved that.”
“I don’t know; she was the loudest out of everybody.”
“Have you met my father yet?” he asks, giving my waist a squeeze.
“Not officially, no. It’s been a little crazy…” And, though I’d never admit it, I’m more nervous to meet Mr. Cardoso than I ever was to meet Luca’s mom.
“Come on.” He maneuvers us over to his parents, who appear to be bickering good naturedly in Portuguese as Dom looks on. Noticing our approach, Marissa breaks away and rushes over, eyes glistening with tears.
I let go of Luca as she rushes into his arms. “I am so damn proud of you, baby!”
“Thanks, Mãe. Feels good.” Luca grins over her head, nodding as Carlos moves in, hands in his slacks. “Oi, Pai.”
“Olá, filho.” They embrace a long time, clapping one another on the back.
Not wanting to intrude, I step back and take in the bright, happy sea of jubilant families and their beaming graduates, hugging, laughing, snappingphotos. One familiar face swims into focus—Luca’s friend Matt. He does a double take when our eyes meet and blows me a kiss. I blow one back, chuckling.
“Wren,” calls Luca.
I spin around, smiling expectantly. Carlos wipes gently at his wet, reddened eyes, obviously not ashamed to cry in public. It makes me like him a little more.