Page 23 of Love is So Mean
“This is all I wanted,” I say against her lips. “To be with you like this all weekend.”
It’s the truth, I don’t like to fight.
“Me too,” Emily admits then moans my name as I use what I learned over the course of our relationship to get both of us off.
Emily appears to be a little more relaxed as I disappear into the bathroom to take care of the condom. I empty the contents into the toilet and flush. Then I put spermicide in the condom and tie it off before throwing it away.
It was my routine while I was single and in the beginning of our relationship. I had relaxed the routine, but my habit came back. I don’t know why so I just go with my instinct and not fight it.
I wash my hands and comb my hair, I come out of the bathroom, happy to see Emily getting dressed at normal speed. Looks like we’ll be about ten minutes late but it’s better than our earlier projected arrival.
My phone rings the moment we leave our room. Emily sighs with much less irritation than she’s been. I already know why my phone is ringing.
“We’re about to get on the elevator, Jeeves.”
“Thank God! I cannot be stared down any longer.”
I chuckle because I know the exact look Yasmeena is giving him. “Just hold up two fingers and mouth ‘minutes’ she’ll move around.”
Chapter 13
My CFO is late. He’s never been late to an event but the more I look at Jeeves, the more I can see the sweat forming on his forehead. He’s not wrong to try and avoid me but soon enough, it’ll be an issue.
I give Enrique the benefit of the doubt because he’s never late as I work the room talking to everyone including investors.
“Yasmeena, Enrique and Emily are here.” Matthew whispers in my ear.
My eyes turn to them and Enrique isn’t exactly glaring at me but he’s not exactly not. I eye both of them head to toe taking their outfits in but I know what others think I’m doing when that happens. My therapist says it looks like I’m judging but to judge, there would have to be some sort of attachment; there isn’t.
Without moving around, I wait as Enrique and Emily make their way to me. Her gold and black tulle strapless dress fits her and her heels match the dress with her hair straightened. She matches Enrique’s all black tux which seems to really point out his light green eyes. I’ve noticed that depending on what he wears, his eyes tend to seem like they’re changing color but they’re not. A trick with the light, maybe.
Enrique towers over me even when I wear heels but it makes me realize that when I wore the flats, he was much taller than my 5’8 stature that seems to only appear when the heels are off. But when the stilettos are on, I’m almost chin level to his 6’3. It doesn’t change much but it’s an observation I've come to notice now.
He is also very handsome. I’ve never told him because it didn't matter to me, it still doesn’t matter to me but I do have eyes. His dark hair coiffed out of his face shows his pronounced jawline more and his brows bring out his eye color. This weekend might be the first time I’ve seen him without a shirt on but through the way he wears fitted suits, I knew he had a medium built body but I didn’t realize that it came with abs and biceps and defined shoulders.
Clearing away from that, Enrique is offered some champagne and he takes one for him and Emily as they continue towards me.
I sip my glass that isn’t champagne but it looks like it. Really it’s ginger ale but I have to keep up appearances.
“Ten minutes and how many seconds again, Matthew?”
Matthew looks between us but I arch my brow. “And 50 seconds.”
“Ten minutes and 50 seconds. New record. You two look nice.”
I say to them. Enrique stares at my flute for a minute too long, glaring as if he wants to snatch it out of my hand. He blinks because it seems to just now notice that I’m attached to the glass. He slowly eyes me up and down as if we never met then his champagne flute slips out of his hand.
Recovering quickly, he turns to glare at Jeeves once everyone hears the crash, “Be careful, Jeeves.” Jeeves looks at him confused for a moment. “You knocked the glass out of my hand.”
I don’t remember seeing Jeeves bump him.
Jeeves’ confusion quickly clears with a quick glance between Enrique and Emily. “Sorry about that boss. I’ll get you a fresh one.”
Enrique's shoulders relax a little. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll get another later.”
“Do you need flats, Enrique?” I ask him.