Page 35 of Love is So Mean
“Matthew, Jeeves, and Enrique, there’s a car here for you to take you wherever you’d like to go. The jet will be ready for you once you decide you’ve had your fill of Vancouver Island.”
I walk away with Sharice as we get into a car, taking me to the jet. Once we’re on the jet, I shut my eyes again, I’m still very much exhausted. Maybe I just need to sleep for a while and I do just that once I get home in my room. The world is silent and nothing else can trigger me here.
Chapter 19
Iwatch Yasmeena disappear after getting what she wanted. I’m equal parts mad and worried. Each one tries to overtake the other but they settle in an uneasy truce. There is only one reason why she disappears and I hope she’s taking her medicine. I wanted to go to her on the plane earlier but my emotions were too raw. I only know what I’ve read about Reactive Attachment Disorder, it's much harder to navigate in real life. I can’t be an emotional open wound while she’s designed to not give a fuck.
She hurts me even when she doesn’t understand it and we’ve only been married for five minutes. She compared getting this tux in advance as calculated and linked it to our business dealings but this is my life not business and the same shit doesn’t apply.
I told her not two days ago what my participation in this meant. I was up front about this being the end of Emily and me. Told her how it would affect me but she doesn’t understand how to deal with someone with a broken heart. I feel Matthew’s and Jeeve’s twin stares eating up my profile. They have so many questions, I’m sure they’ll implode if they don’t get the chance to ask them.
“Looks like we'll need to have a very private lunch?”
“Hell yes,” Jeeve’s response clashes with Matthew’s, “Yes, please.”
I look at both of them for the first time since they’ve joined this fuckery. “Let’s get this fucked up belated bachelor party going.”
The venue has a reception place that we get for an hour with our elopement package. It’s empty because well…we have no fucking guests. There is, however, charcuterie, alcohol, and cake.
“Get all of the personal, burning questions out here guys then we can go to a restaurant.” I grab three of the pre-poured champagne glasses and sidestep the guys when they reach for one. “Get your own.”
I’m halfway through my second flute when the guys join me. Out of habit, Jeeves made me a plate and put the assortment of meat, cheeses, fruit, and crackers in front of me.
“Thank you,” I say before finishing the second glass. The light reflects off of my new jewelry.
I stare at the gold band with the emerald in the center. It’s nothing like the one I picked when I thought I was marrying Emily but it’s nice. It doesn’t look much like a wedding ring.
“Does it burn your finger or should I say freeze it?” Jeeves jokes.
“Really, how did you get held at gunpoint by the icy bitch?”
I’m aware that I’m not happy right now and I’ve just finished my third glass of champagne in the span of five minutes but I’m not a fan of the nickname.
“You guys really need to find something else to call my…” I freeze and try it again. “My wife.”
Matthew raises his eyebrows in acknowledgement as he drinks his champagne.
“Did saying ‘wife’ burn your throat a little? That looked painful.”
Matthew choked a little on his drink from laughing at Jeeves.
I remind myself not to take it personally since there are things that they don’t know about her illness or her disorder.
“Just blink twice if you’re being held hostage by the icy…woman,” Matthew prompts as he leans in with his elbows on the table.
“Is it out of your systems, yet?” I ask them between bites of food.
Both sober up as if they’re truly looking at me for the first time. It appears that the shock has worn off for them now.
“It’s a business arrangement,” I tell them up front then embellish the truth just a tad. “She wanted her husband to be her partner. That didn’t happen and since I’m practically her partner already, she’s giving me COO for being her husband.”
“She had to buy a husband. Makes sense,” Matthew responds with a nod.
“Not exactly. With her culture, if her parents push for her to marry, it’ll most likely be a super traditional man, twice her age, and looking to take over. This way, things stay as they are.” I look at the ring on my finger again. “Mostly.”
“More like a favor for a friend,” Jeeves adds.