Page 44 of Love is So Mean
He glares back at me like it’s going to intimidate me but my level of not giving a fuck is a little too high.
“You heard me. Do you like being slapped? If not, you better not ever lay another finger on my wife. And you,” I say pointing at Amir. I reach in my wallet and pull out my business card. “If you want to talk to my wife, you talk to me first. Don’t call her again. I heard the way you spoke to her and it’s not acceptable. Call her another name and you'll see me in a different light. Warning. It’s not good for your health?”
“Are you threatening my son?” Yasmeena’s mom challenges me.
“And if I did?”
“What are you doing?” Yasmeena leans in and whispers in my ear.
“This is the type of person you bring into the family, Yasmeena? Someone who has zero respect for your culture and your family? It’s disgusting.” Amir says, slamming his fist on the table. “Look at Baba and Mom! Look at their faces! You’re so… I don’t even know what to say to you. So stupid!”
“Okay, Amir.” Yasmeena says in an icier tone she uses for older male clients who have tried to tell her she doesn’t know anything. It’s dismissive and calculated.
The problem is he just disrespected my wishes seconds after I told him the terms. I’m up before he can react and grab his head and slam it forward on the table. His plate and drink fly and he slides off of his chair.
“I just said not to talk to her or call her any names.”
I grab a napkin to wipe some of the food off my hand. I can feel Yasmeena’s glare as I step around my chair.
“I’m all for respecting tradition and culture but the behavior that you all have allowed yourcultureto condone is not okay with me. Your mistreatment of yourdaughtercaused her disorder and you allow your son to ridicule it. Yasmeena is a Souza now and my culture is based on earning respect. Let’s go,” I say looking at Yasmeena.
“Stop.” Yasmeena grits out in a quiet tone.
I grab her hand as gently as I can with my temper being so high and head towards the door. The last thing I want to do is look like I’m trying to control her but I refuse to allow her to be mistreated any longer.
“Stop, Enrique, let go!” Yasmeena yells as soon as we step outside, shocking the hell out of me. She steps in my face but then takes a step back, shaking her head but her eyes blaze with anger. “You don’t have the right to do that! Don’t defend me orpull me out of a situation like that. I don’t need you to stand up to them! They’re always going to be that way, what’s your problem?”
“Then you fucking stand up to them then! They are my problem. This whole situation is my problem. I don’t give a fuck how they’ve always been it’s not okay. And since I know you’re capable of being angry, aim it at the right fucking people next time. Note this, Yasmeena. You married me so it is my right to protect you and defend you. I will do it every time.I’m always going to be that way,” I say, throwing her word back at her.
“I do not need you to do that. I don’t need you to protect me or defend me. It is not your problem, it is mine and I will deal with it. I will deal with them. I have been doing this since I was young. I’ve figured it out. Stop being any way but the way that we signed the contract for you to be. That’s it.”
“Yasmeena, that's the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard. You’ll deal with it? When? When you’re 60? The first 32 years have been ineffective. You’re not dealing with it as you think you are or they wouldn’t be so comfortable abusing you.Taking itis NOT dealing with it.” I shake my head because she’s giving me a headache like I’m continually running into a brick wall. “Just get in the car and let’s go.”
“You know what, fuck this. I don’t have to do anything.” Yasmeena starts to walk away.
“Also words you should have said fifteen minutes ago.”
“I have nothing else to say to you or them.”
I move around to get back in her face and stop her from moving forward.
“You don’t get to bedoneor talk about what you’re not going to do. My entire existence in your life is by your design. Did you ask me how my life imploded? No.” She tries to sidestep me but I stay in her space. “Have you ever considered how I'm feeling? No. I’m just your worker bee that you can put back in the boxwhen you’re not interested in being bothered and hide behind the terms of a contract. I’m not a puppet. I am going to move independently of your bidding.”
Thinking of the best way to prove my point. I grab her and kiss her hard. After the initial shock of it, she softens and returns the kiss, her fist balling up the lapels of my blazer like she’s still trying to decide how she feels.
“Stop!” The fact that she’d push me is almost as fascinating as the tears now glittering her cheeks.
Some of my anger dissipates but there is too much wrong for it to dissolve quickly. It does give me clarity on what I want to say to Emily. But first…I cup Yasmeena's cheeks and drop my head, she flinches because she thinks I’m going to kiss her again. Instead, I drop my forehead to hers and close my eyes and exhale a calming breath.
“I don’t like to see you cry, no matter the reason.” using my thumbs, I collect the tears then move out of her space. “Get in the car, Yasmeena. Let’s go home.”
She goes this time without a word while avoiding all forms of contact with me. I open the door for her anyway and close it once she’s inside.
Once I’m seated, I pull out my phone and type my response before I change my mind.
Me: You’ve lost that right.