Page 46 of Love is So Mean
“Oh, I know.” My eyes take him in and I take my seatbelt off. I place my hand on Enrique’s chest pushing him back to his seat. Without giving him the chance to react, I climb over and straddle him as I lift my skirt up some more. “This is a temporary deviation from our routine. Any objections, husband?”
Enrique’s hands grip my hips, pulling me closer. His erection presses against the seat of my panties.
“I’m having trouble finding one.”
He leans in for a kiss but I move my head, giving him access to my neck. His beard tickles the sensitive skin when his lips connect.
“Don’t kiss me.” I say breathless because he lightly nips at my neck. I grab one of his hands guiding it to my panties. I pull my panties to the side and use his hand to play with my clit.
Enrique moves my hand away as he takes over. I throw my head back with my fingers finding their way to the nape of his neck and sinking into his hair.
I fumble with Enrique’s belt as he takes my body higher and higher as if trying to prove a point. After a couple more attempts, I remove his hardened dick, freeing it from the constraints of his clothes. I shake my head trying not to let my body lose focus but Enrique’s fingers seem to want me to sing their praises but I won’t. I bite my lip as it all becomes too much, I drop my head on Enrique’s shoulder as he snatches the orgasm from me.
Enrique’s hands lift me by my waist and I slide down on his dick not getting the chance to glare at him. Lifting my head, I look him in the eyes for a second letting him know not to do that again. I look away and close my eyes as one hand is plastered on the roof of the car while the other holds onto Enrique’s shoulder while wanting to return the favor of snatching his orgasm from him too.
My breath gets trapped in my throat as it becomes clear that I’m doing all sorts of things like having sex in a car in order to have a baby… it’s only because of having a baby that we’re in this moment right now; one that feels so good as he slaps my ass and his thumb finds my clit again.
His lips nip at my nipples through my shirt and my body shudders. I catch myself before I blurt out words that don’t need to be said here. Words likefuck me, your fingers are magic,andanythingelse that doesn’t fit this situation.
Chapter 26
Matthew sends me a quick message through the company chat that my lunch date is here. There’s always a smile when Francois is involved. He’s one of the few people in my life that has never wanted a single thing from me. I let Matthew know that he can tell security downstairs to let him come upstairs.
By the time Francois makes it upstairs and down the hall to my office, I’m out of my office meeting him halfway.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in a week.”
“Same joke each week, Francois.” I smile as I slide my shades on.
“Yes,” he smiles. “But it always gets you up out of your chair. You work too hard, baby.”
“It does.”
Francois gives me two kisses on the cheek like the French man that he is before he kisses my forehead. “I’ve got a new spot for us to try today. I heard it’s supposed to be very good.” He smiles as he eyes me up and down. “You look amazing.”
I wish I could tell him about my diagnosis but I don’t ever want to make him sad. Plus he’s leaving soon to go do another shoot in Paris, I can’t make him worry or stay here.
“Thank you.”
“Walk in front so I can make sure the back looks just as good,” he jokes and I smile harder.
Francois gives me his arm and I take it as we walk out of the office and make our way to where we need to get.
LUNCH was good with Francois and when he escorted me to the elevator, there was this moment that I always feel when he’s going on long trips, I don’t know what to clarify it and I’m sure if I shared this with my therapist, she’d help but I don’t know if I can or will. Francois smiled at me and held my wedding ring.
“Can’t believe you’d get married without me but if you did, I know it’s for a good reason. I’ll be back for you, Yasmi.” He gave me a smirk and just like that he was gone.
Now, I’m in another meeting discussing things about other ventures, seeing just how well the spa relaunch is doing and I feel eyes on me. When I look at Enrique, he’s glaring at me but I can’t recall what would warrant that. I didn’t see him this morning nor have I sent him something last minute, hell, I didn’t even change my schedule or this meeting’s time. Blinking slowly, I look at him head on but he doesn’t offer up anything but that glare. I give up wanting to find out as I focus on the meeting looking at all the points on my Ipad.
After the meeting is over, I hang back like I always do and when I’m ready to leave, I stand and attempt to bypass Enrique but he grabs my arm.
Chapter 27
Something changes in a man’s brain chemistry once he’s fucked a woman. It’s like our primal instincts to be neanderthals kick in when it comes to her. Even with her lack of attachment, the same thing seems to have happened with Yasmeena after almost a month of this fake marriage. I don’t like it when other men take up her time, touch her, or make her laugh.