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Elite Group Chat
Rory: I just took my last exam for the semester. Pretty sure the professor’s goal was to give me nightmares for a week.
Jamie: Bro, my last exam was so hard I had to check my pulse to make sure I wasn’t dead.
Kruger: I double-checked I was in the right class this morning because the questions were all about shit I never heard of.
Madison: Pretty sure I left teardrops on the paper I just turned in, and I have another exam in an hour!
Prism: *skull emoji* *tombstone emoji*
Wes: Maybe we should all meet for trauma lattes later.
Lars: I need a triple shot of straight espresso.
Coach: You mouth breathers better maintain your GPA! Swim season isn’t over for months!
Kruger: Hell! Am I in the wrong place again?
Jamie: …Coach?
Prism: *eyeball emoji*
Arsen: *popcorn emoji*
Ryan: Welcome to the group chat, Coach.
Coach: Save it, Walsh. I saw what you said about me last week.
Kruger: You’ve been here all week?
Coach: Your grammar is horrible, Kruger. I’m getting you a dictionary for Christmas.
Wes: You’re getting us Christmas presents?
Landry: OMG! I’ve been so stressed about finals. I haven’t even started shopping!
Rory: I got a few things in Chicago when I was there for Thanksgiving, but I am far from done.
Kruger: Does no one care that Malibu Barbie added Coach to this chat without telling anyone? Also, books are not presents, Coach. They’re homework.
Prism: *book emoji* *smile emoji*
Arsen: I’ll get you a library, princess.
Max: This is the first time I’ve ever not wanted to leave this chat.
Win: Bodhi pulled a Landry.
Landry: A what?
Jamie: Never forget when you added the girls without telling a bro.
Madison: You still mad about that, bro?
Jamie: Did you just bro me?