Page 48 of Daring Destiny
Shit. That’s a discussion for another day. Tonight, I’ll suck it up because he needs me to be strong and I want to be here for him when he finishes up.
My impatience isn’t rooted in the current state of affairs. Truth be told, the past couple weeks have felt surreal without waking up next to him up every day. Two months together in California brought us closer than I ever thought possible. I’m so head over heels in love with him, it’s undeniable.
Now I’m back in Seattle and reality’s slapped me in the face. For me, there’s a nagging question about our future because we’ve slipped back into separate lives. Sure we talk and text. Have video sex. There’s no romance. No teasing. No fun. We’ve lost our mojo.
Probably because he’s always in a bad mood. Grousing about the chaos surrounding his company and whether he’ll stay or go. It permeates my disposition too, so I bitch about my latest client nightmares. The negativity gives me the ick.
I know I want this corporate shit to end so we can move on with our relationship. I want the whole shebang. A future. Marriage, kids, and a life spent side by side, not in separate states. It doesn’t need to happen tomorrow, but letting the day-to-day sweep us along isn’t an option. At least not for me.
We’ll need to have a conversation about it to see if we’re still on the same page. Today isn’t the time with everything else weighing on him. Sooner rather than later, though.
The sound of footsteps on my deck makes me jump and I quickly hightail it toward the entryway. A second later, Brennan knocks and I fling the door open. Oh crap. He looks exhausted. His clothes are rumpled and there’s a heaviness in the way he carries himself.
“Oh, B.” I wrap my arms around him before he has a chance to say anything.
The smallest flicker of relief crosses his face. “God, you have no idea how good it is to see you.”
“Same,” I whisper. “How are you holding up?”
Brennan exhales deeply, leaning into me for a moment. “We convinced Cillian to check into rehab. It was...a lot.”
“I’m glad you were there for him.” I squeeze his arm gently, trying to convey he doesn’t need to explain.
“Da and I…we, uh. We had to…” He’s clearly drained and fighting back tears. “It wasn’t easy.” He runs a hand through his hair. It’s as though speaking words takes too much effort. “Cillian fought us but he finally broke down. Hopefully he’ll stay and get the help he needs.”
I don’t press. I don’t need to know the details of his brother’s private business. Brennan’s obvious exhaustion tells me everything. Instead, I take his hand and guide him toward the bedroom. His steps are heavy as he follows me.
“You need to rest.” I lead him to the bed. The room is dimly lit by the lamp on the nightstand. I help him sit on the edge of the mattress. “You’ve done enough for today.”
He sinks down, slumps over, rests his elbows on his knees and buries his face in his hands. My heart hurts. I can tell he’s holding so much inside.
Kneeling in front of him, I help him undress. Take off his shoes and socks. Unbuckle his pants and pull them off. Lift his shirt over his head.
He watches me, silently, and I can feel the weight of this evening pressing down on him. Once he’s down to his boxers, I guide him to lie back against the pillows. He doesn’t resist. His eyes are half-closed already, but I know he’s still too wound up to sleep.
I’m already in my sleep shorts and tank top, so I climb into bed, kneeling behind his head. Slowly, I begin to massage his scalp. My fingers move gently through his thick hair and down his neck, kneading away the tension I can feel knotted up in him.
Moments later, Brennan lets out a long, quiet sigh and his body relaxes under my touch. “You’re incredible,”
“You’re the one who’s incredible.” I smile to myself, continuing to work my fingers along his shoulders and back up again. “You’re a great brother for being here for him, B. I’m so proud of you.”
He doesn’t say anything but I feel his hand reach for mine, squeezing it gently before releasing.
“Thank you,” he rasps. “For understanding. I know I don’t deserve you.”
“You don’t need to say that.” I lean down to kiss his forehead. “I’m here because I love you.”
A soft stillness hangs in the air. His eyes are open now, searching mine. “I love you too.” The words slip out so naturally, but there’s so much vulnerability beneath them.
Though I’ve questioned it at times over these past weeks, he means it. Deeply.
My heart swells. Warmth floods through my soul as I lean down and kiss him languidly. Tenderly. Filled with promises of a future.
I shimmy down his body and before he knows what’s happening, I pull his briefs down and his cock is securely in my grip. Wrapping my lips around his crown, I suck firmly while giving his balls a little massage.
“Holy fucking hell, A,” Brennan croaks.
“Mmm,” I hum and pump my hand up and down in sync with my mouth, knowing full well it makes him crazy.