Page 58 of Strawberry Cake
“You haven’t met my parents yet, but I think I’m getting along with your family so far. I think spending time with them is good and necessary, but it’s also good to let them know where that stops.”
“Set boundaries that we agree on and both enforce,” Decan clarified.
Decan couldn’t help but laugh at the next question. “Oh, great transition from in-laws. What are your expectations on sex?”
Hope giggled and that beautiful blush tinted her cheeks again. “I like how it is now. Maybe it’s just a honeymoon phase, but I enjoy that I’m comfortable enough to try new things with you. I hope that we always stay open for each others’ feelings and suggestions.”
A warm, tingling feeling settled in his stomach and made his next words come easy. “You make me feel comfortable and safe. I like that we have a safe word and that we can trust each other to know when to use it. I’d rather not put a number on how often we should have sex because I don’t want it to be an obligation. If I ever feel like it is, I trust that you would be open to communicate and speak about it. Things always change, and I have a goal to be open about it when they do.”
“I like how you always take care of me,” Hope continued. “You make sure I’m comfortable. It makes me feel safe, and I think I’d like to adopt that goal as well. So whenever something changes for me, I’ll sit down and tell you.”
“What does marriage mean to you?” he asked, moving on to the next question.
Hope took a deep breath. “I put that question on there because it was mentioned a lot. It made me realise I’m in this for the long haul. Even if official marriage is something you don’t want, I want this to last. Wedding or no wedding, it means home and safety for me and someone I can trust unconditionally who only cares about my wellbeing.”
Decan’s heart swelled. “I’m here for the long haul too. I don’t see marriage as some sort of goal, but as a stepping stone. I feel like some see marriage as the finish line, but I think it’s just an affirmation to the trust you have in someone.”
“I like that a lot.”
“I have a follow up question,” Decan stated.
“I’m open to hearing it.”
“Since we both agreed that children are out of the picture for now, I think it’s only fair if we split the cost for birth control.” Hope stared at him as if he’d sprouted a second head. “Well, if we used condoms, we would both buy them, right? So I don’t mind contributing to the cost of your pill.”
“Can you be any sweeter?” Decan felt himself blush, which only widened Hope’s grin. “My insurance covers it all. They’d rather shell out for birth control than childbirth.”
“That was so damn sweet,” Hope reiterated.
He dramatically flipped his hair back and smirked at her. “Well, what can I say, I’m a little sugar cookie.”
Hope threw herself onto him and kissed him passionately, the weight of her body making his cock jerk. When she came up for air, she smiled at him. “So, you felt good about this whole questionnaire?”
“Yes, I really liked it. It makes me feel less anxious about your expectations for us both. Clarity is always a good thing.”
“I was afraid it would be awkward, but the little jabs from your family made me nervous because we hadn’t talked about it. I enjoy…usso much that I don’t want it to be ruined just because we didn’t talk openly from the start.”
He claimed her lips again, wanting nothing more than to reward her for being so brave.
Hope’s heart raced as she pulled Decan to lie down on the cushions, grinding against his erection. She was over the moon that the conversation had gone so well. When laughter filled her ears she jolted away, the sound a shocking reminder that they werein public. But with no one else around, they’d felt like the only two people in the world. They were equally breathless as she freed Decan from her weight and dropped onto the pillows next to him.
“You’re going to make me lose my sanity, little thief,” Decan whispered.
“More like stealing it.”
“Just like you stole my heart.”
She curled herself into him, careful not to torture him too much.
The voices growing louder sounded familiar, and it was Aron and Lilly who appeared in front of them.
“I guess we weren’t the only ones trying to be romantic,” Aron teased. “Should we give you two some privacy?”