Page 58 of Yours, Always
They stumbled through the door, and Greyson picked Prudence up and carried to her room. He laid her gently on the bed, removing first her boots then his clothes. He couldn’t wait, there was an urgency in him that wasn’t to be denied, not for another second, and after rolling on a condom he entered her with one long push. He stilled inside her, not moving, knowing he had to be heavy on her, but reveling in her heartbeat, their chests pressed together. He shifted, lifting himself up on his elbows, balancing so he could look in her eyes. He’d never felt so perfect, even with the pleasurable last few days. He finally felt complete.
“I love you, Prudence Hardwick.” Inch by inch he stroked in and out of her. So slowly. “I love you more than I could have ever imagined. You are my love. You are my home.” Prudence wrapped her legs around him, tears forming in her eyes. “Don’t cry, Pru,” he said, gently.
She tightened her legs and urged him on. “I’ve loved you for years. I’m so glad you’re mine.”
He let it build then crescendo before releasing himself into her. It seemed like he couldn’t stop, then she was coming again, milking out every ounce of his soul in the process.
Afterwards, lying there in her arms, Greyson looked at Prudence. There were no more words.
He was home.
Chapter Twenty-Five
They had gone downtown again during Thankful Thursday, the day to shop locally and give a boost to the downtown businesses. Greyson embarrassed Prudence worse than she ever had been when he came out of a ladies clothing boutique holding a package that was very clearly lingerie. She was talking to Dr. Simmons at the time, and he only winked at Greyson and said, “Ah. You’re looking better, Mr. Atwood. Just as I thought. I expect to see you next week for a follow-up.” They shook hands, grinning that knowing grin at each other.
Greyson’s purchase didn’t go to waste, nor did it stay on Prudence very long.
It was Friday before he knew it and the Fall Festival was almost over. Today was Funny Frights Friday, with a street dance in the town square and the cheesy haunted house, the town’s early homage to the ultimate autumn day—Halloween.
Prudence had taken Greyson’s advice and delegated some of her work to her employees. Taking a much-needed personal day, excited for a three-day weekend, they were lounging in her bed late Friday morning when Greyson’s phone buzzed.
“It’s Nadia.”
“You’d better answer. If you don’t, she’ll show up here, then there’d really be hell to pay.”
“You’re right. Plus, I wouldn’t put it past her to already have a key to your house, too.”
Prudence’s eyes widened. “She wouldn’t.”
“I think she would.” Greyson laughed before throwing on a shirt and swiping to answer. “Hey, Nadia, how’s it—?”
“You’ve lost Bradford,” Nadia interrupted without a hello.
“Bradford, your personal assistant? The personal assistant that you haven’t bothered returning texts or phone calls to since you left?”
“Yes, I know who he is, but I’ve been busy, Nadia. I told you this was going to be a vacation. No work.”
“Well, he’s gone back to Wyatt. He said something about professionalism and handsomeness. I’m assuming that by mentioning those he was talking about Wyatt.”
“That’s my loss, I’m really sad to see him go.” Greysonwassorry about it but knowing now that he’d made the decision to stay in Amber Falls, he was happy that Bradford would be all right. Even if it was with Wyatt.
“You should’ve thought about that while you were ignoring him all week.” Her eyes squinted at the screen. “Whose shoulder is that?” Greyson looked grudgingly at Prudence then turned his phone fast enough that she had to scramble to pull the sheet higher. “Prudence. I should’ve known.”
Prudence gave a half-hearted wave. “Hi, Nadia.”
“Greyson, did you read the script I sent?” She’d already dismissed Prudence.
“Do you mean you tracked me down and delivered it to a place you should’ve had no clue I’d be at?”
Nadia just quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Yes, I got it. It’s okay, but I don’t want to talk about it now.”
“It’s more than okay, Greyson, it’ll make you a multi-genre lead. You need this.”
Nadia sat quietly. More quietly than Greyson had ever seen her. There was a glint in her eyes, a calculating glint that he was quite frankly scared of, but he still refused to be bowed by her. “I set up a meeting with Goldberg the day after tomorrow. He’s doing a Ben Stone meets Indiana Jones type movie that you’d be perfect for. I need you to be in the meeting.”