Page 59 of Yours, Always
“You’re joking right? There’s no way in hell I’m leaving for L.A.”
“You have to, you need bigger roles and this one would be perfect,” she said as Greyson just stared at the screen. “I’ll try to get a video conference then. You’re free tomorrow.”
“How would you know if I’m free tomorrow?” He brought the phone closer to his face. “Where are you? Is that Tony’s Pizzeria? Are you in Amber Falls?” He moved the phone away as Prudence scrambled to see the screen. “You know what, Nadia, this is enough.” He didn’t give her a chance to respond. “You have a key to my house, you’ve been tracking me and you sent reporters to my hometown. Hell, you’re obviouslyinmy hometown, and now you’re setting up meetings knowing full well I wouldn’t be there.”
“This wouldn’t be happening if you hadn’t had the concussion. The commercial was supposed to be a three-day shoot that would’ve kept you away from Prudence.”
“Who are you to think that you have any right to control any aspect of my life?”
“Who amI? I’m your agent.”
“Not anymore.”
Silence hung in the air. “Fine. We’ll talk later.”
“No, Nadia, we won’t talk later. I’m done and you’re fired.”
“I’m only looking out for your best interest. That’s my job.”
“Your job is to represent me on the projects I want to pursue, not force me into projects I don’t want.”
“You can’t fire me,” Nadia sputtered.
“I just did. Best of luck, Nadia.” He ended the call.
“I knew she didn’t like me, but I was not expecting that. I’m sorry about Bradford, though. I know how much you liked him.”
Greyson set his phone on the nightstand and tore his shirt off, gently laying Prudence back on the bed. “Bradford and Nadia are the last people in the world I want to think about right now. There’s only one person I care to make happy.”
“Wait!” Prudence moved away from him. “I’ve got to eat something before we do anything else.”
“I’m prepared to eat something right now, if you’d just stay still.”
“That’s so terrible, Grey.” She laughed and firmly tucked the sheet around her. “Don’t you have a personal chef you can bring with you? Someone who can cook me a meal whenever I want?”
“Exactly how rich do you think I am, Prudence?” Greyson questioned, all the while trying to remove the sheet.
“Umm.” Prudence was quickly starting to lose the battle of the sheets to Greyson. “I’ve never thought about it. Pretty rich, I guess? Personal chef rich?”
He stopped for a second. “Well, Iamthat rich. Now, will you take that blasted sheet off?”
Prudence giggled as she slightly loosened her hold. “So, what you’re telling me is that when you move in there’s a possibility of getting a personal chef.”
“Prudence, dear, you can have anything you want,” he said as she finally relinquished her hold on the sheet, and he settled himself between her legs. “I’ll give youeverythingyou want.”
* * * *
The warm streak in Massachusetts continued on, lending an extra celebratory mood to the street dance. Prudence and Greyson had spent a languid afternoon in bed before finally getting ready for the last night of the Fall Festival. The parade would be the next morning, still, but the Friday night street dance always felt so magical, under the twinkling lights as dusk started to settle in early. They decided on some quick appetizers with Gabe and Annabelle at Finnegan’sbefore they headed to Devlin’s vendor stand at the street fair for dessert.
“I never thought I’d say this,” Annabelle said, grabbing the last mozzarella stick. “It’s kinda weird to see you two acting all lovey-dovey together.”
“AB, how dare you.” Prudence pretended to be outraged. “After all we had to go through to get here?”
“Oh, Pru, you know what I mean. I knew you two would get together but seeing it in reality is way different.”
They’d filled Annabelle in on Greyson’s plan earlier in the evening to move home and start teaching drama at the university. She’d been overjoyed at the thought.
“I can’t help it.” Greyson leaned over and kissed Prudence’s cheek. “I’ve wasted enough of my life not being with Prudence, I have a lot of lost time to make up for.”