Page 60 of Yours, Always
“Youarepractically middle-aged, Grey,” Gabe pointed out, stacking the empty appetizer plates.
“What does that make you, then, Gabe?” Greyson asked.
“A year younger than you, bro,” Gabe said with a roguish smile. “Always.”
The table broke into laughter and Prudence looked around, wondering at her good fortune to not only have such a good group of friends, but to be with the love of her life, finally. The only person missing was Devlin. “Are you guys coming to Devlin’s stand later? She’s doing desserts tonight as well as coffee.”
Gabe stood, gathering the plates. “I can’t. I’m going to stay here and work on some end of the month bookkeeping.”
“Gabe, it’s a Friday night,” Greyson stated, bewildered.
“Don’t worry, I’ll try to find you later, but I’ve gotta work out a few numbers, see if I can make an offer on that place next door.”
Greyson and Prudence shared a quick glance. “Shoot me a text if you can make it,” Greyson said as Gabe walked off, before turning to Annabelle. “You?”
Annabelle shook her head also. “His Majestical Dukedom wants me to take pictures both tonight and tomorrow morning at the parade. He canned the freelance photographer from Amherst, said that I could do the job just as well and save him that fee. Apparently, I’m to have no fun.” She sighed. “I’ll head home after since I want to get to the parade early and photograph the set-up, too.”
“Well, that’s a bummer,” Prudence said.
“Pru, I think you and Logan Legend can handle the evening by yourselves.”
“Logan Legend?” Greyson asked.
“You’ve been downgraded to B-list, my friend, now that you’re taking a teaching position. Sorry.”
“B-List?Branded for Doomis an underrated classic, so I’m going to choose to take that as a compliment,” Greyson said smugly.
“You can take it however you want.” Annabelle stood and started walking to the door. “I don’t make the rules, I just play by them. Later.”
“Branded for Doom?” Prudence asked. “Really?”
“Let me guess, you’ve never seen it,” Greyson stated, getting his confirmation when Prudence shook her head. “Then it’s on, we’re going to watch it this weekend.”
“I guess I have some work I could do—”
“Nope, you have to pay attention. This one’s a real thinker.”
“You can’t possibly be serious.”
“I’m very serious. As serious as I am about my desserts. You ready to go?”
Prudence stood, pretending to hesitate. “I don’t know, Grey, I’m finding out there’s still so much about you I don’t know. I mean, Logan Legend?”
Greyson laughed as he took her hand, and they started out to the street fair. “You couldn’t be a teenage boy in the nineties and not love Logan Legend.”
“I guess you’re right,” Prudence agreed as they stood in line at Devlin’s stand. “That’s like me not liking slap bracelets or scrunchies.”
“Gabe always liked a girl in a scrunchie,” Greyson disclosed as they moved to the counter.
“Hey, guys! You two are so cute together.”
“Thanks, Dev.” Prudence put her arm around Greyson’s waist. “We were just talking about Logan Legend and scrunchies, believe it or not.”
Devlin waved them closer. “I have a confession. I still have all my scrunchies. I’ve kept them since I was a kid, even after I cut my hair.”
“I told you,” Prudence exclaimed. “They’re a classic.”
“What would you guys like? Coffee and dessert?”