Page 45 of Caught Running
“I agree,” Brandon said, voice strained. He turned and leaned against the wall, sliding down until he squatted, face turned down to the floor. “I just haven’t got the greatest confidence, I guess,” he murmured.
“Me either,” Jake muttered as he rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at his still wet body. He sighed heavily and pulled the towel off his shoulder to begin patting at his skin. “Sorta stupid considering what we did all weekend, huh?”
Brandon groaned. “As much as I appreciate the thought, don’t remind me, okay?” He sighed. “I thought about you all the way home, how I should have said something, how I should have at least kissed you good night.”
Jake’s lips twitched, and he lowered his head. Telephones made some people say things they wouldn’t normally say. For Jake, though, he was probably less likely to say what he wanted if he was saying it to a mouthpiece. He bit his lip, sliding his toe across the floor as he tried to force his tongue to form a response. “You should have,” he eventually replied.
Fuck. Brandon wanted to get right back into the damn car and drive there right the hell now. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said in a hoarse voice. He was never going to sleep now. Not without a massive jerk-off first.
Jake smiled slightly at the sound of Brandon’s voice. “I thought about you until the water went cold,” he said on impulse, blushing even as he spoke.
“Jesus Christ, Jake!” The voice that rasped was obviously strained. “I’m not going to be able to run with my cock this damn hard.”
Jake’s lips twitched into another smile, and he licked his lips. He really enjoyed the idea that just a phone call had excitedBrandon. “You should have thought ahead,” he scolded, his voice just a bit lower than normal.
Brandon groaned audibly. “Thewronghead is doing all the thinking,” he muttered. “But I’m still glad I called.”
“Me, too,” Jake responded as he dropped his towel and shivered involuntarily. “You really going running?” he asked, not even sure why he asked. What, did he want Brandon to stay on the phone with him until he fell asleep? Jesus.
Sighing, Brandon sank the rest of the way to the floor. He wanted to lie. He didn’t want to expose himself so much. But “I’d rather stay here and talk to you” was what came out.
Jake shivered again as he sat on the edge of the bed. He shook slightly now, but he wasn’t certain exactly why. He considered asking if Brandon was willing to drive back to his house and stay there. He had to make the drive in the morning anyway, right? But he didn’t dare admit how selfish he really was. “I’m not sure how long I’ll last,” he murmured instead, rubbing his eyes as he said it. “I’d feel guilty for keeping you.”
Brandon felt flushed all over. “You sound really tired. I’m going to go for a short run, then grade some papers,” he said, though he felt rather resigned about it. Maybe he’d just curl up in the sheets and see if he could still catch Jake’s scent. “Get some sleep, okay?”
“My pillows still smell like you,” Jake told Brandon with a small smile. “Should be easy to sleep.”
Aw. Hell. “Bastard,” Brandon muttered. “Good night.”
“Night, Brandon,” Jake murmured, his knee bouncing nervously. “I’m glad you called,” he added with a tinge of relief.
“Me too,” Brandon said, then forced himself to pull the phone away from his ear and push the button to end the call. He clutched the cordless between his hands and pressed it to his forehead, feeling more alone than ever. Dragging himself up, he looked at the bed. Within a few seconds’ time he had decided,dropping the phone and crawling into the sheets to curl up there and just remember and dream.
Jake heard the line go dead and sighed heavily as he looked down at the receiver and shut it off. There was something about Brandon’s voice that always left him feeling empty when it was no longer there.
It was a gorgeous day for running. Low 70s, a nice breeze, just a bit overcast. Brandon had settled into a solid run seven laps ago and was about to finish the second mile. A glance at his watch told him he had plenty of time for a couple more and a shower after. He could feel the stress sloughing off and told himself again that hehadto make time for this. It cleared his mind, and he felt much better for it as his long legs ate up the track. Distracting himself, he composed a test in his head, working out essay questions. It would be simple to type it up later. He’d gotten a decent amount of grading done during tutoring this morning, and he thought he might try that more often to free up running time at night.
Striding past the press box, Brandon was oblivious to anything else but the asphalt. Kids began to filter out of the gymnasium complex in twos and threes, some carrying soccer balls or footballs and chattering happily, some looking around for a way to escape class today. The coach was the last one out of the building, his clipboard under his arm and his whistle in histeeth as he counted the kids. Not many were brave enough to try and escape Jake’s gym classes. He was one of the few teachers spiteful enough to track them down when they did.
Jake caught sight of the lone figure running the track around the field, long and lean and eating up the distance with graceful strides. He blinked at the unexpected pang of lust that shot through him and looked away quickly. Jesus, what was wrong with him? Another glance that he just couldn’t help, and an uncomfortable flutter of relieved emotions went through him as Jake realized that it was Brandon running.
The scattered sound of voices caught Brandon’s attention and he looked up to see students crossing the track to the football field, some already kicking soccer balls around. A gym class. Which meant Jake couldn’t be far behind. Despite the rise in his pulse, Brandon forced himself to keep drawing slow, easy breaths, never breaking stride as he raised a hand in answer to some of the students’ greetings.
Jake headed over to the benches that lined the football field and thunked down, his eyes barely ever leaving Brandon’s running form. He had to pass behind Jake on the track, and when he did Jake lowered his head and bit his lip, watching the disorganized soccer game intently. As Brandon hit the top of the track again and came into view, Jake’s eyes followed him. He had never seen him run like this. He had known he could, obviously, but sometimes only seeing was believing. He swallowed heavily and tried desperately to pay attention to the class.
Finishing his third mile, Brandon was aware of Jake’s presence, and he thought he might have caught the coach watching him. It was easy to keep going. He’d long ago perfected the art of staying in gear while his mind went other places. Now he was well warmed up, and he added a bit of speed as he started into the fourth mile. He wanted to finish strong so he’dbe pleasantly tired tonight. Brandon wondered, idly, what Jake was thinking about if he was watching him.
If he had known exactly what Jake was thinking, he likely wouldn’t have been able to finish his lap.
Another seven minutes passed and Brandon finally slowed to a jog for half a lap, then a rolling walk, hands extending over his head in a cooling stretch, feeling much better than when he’d awoken that morning. He stopped to grab the towel he’d tossed over the fence so he could wipe away the worst of the sweat, and when he turned, it was impossible to miss Jake sitting inside the fence on the sideline bench. Brandon ambled in that direction, hanging the towel around his neck, arms dangling from each end.
Jake turned his head slightly to see Brandon walk up. He couldn’t help but smile when their eyes met. “I see you never got your run in last night,” he greeted in a knowing, intimate voice.
Brandon would have blushed if he wasn’t already flushed. He leaned on the fence, about ten feet away. “No, no, I didn’t,” he admitted. “Had other things on my mind, actually,” he said pointedly. To him, keyed up from his run, warm all over and now fighting the urge in his gut, Jake looked positively edible.Bad idea to have a hard on in running shorts, Bartlett.
“Oh yeah?” Jake responded innocently. “Have a hard night, did you?” he asked in the same tone, craning his neck to peer up at Brandon through the bright sunshine.
Eyes narrowing, Brandon’s answer was designed to hopefully make Jake feel the same way he did. “There were some things hard about it, yes. For a while, anyway. Then it was easier to sleep.”