Page 15 of Stealing His Human
With the way Luther and Leo had scowled at her, even though she’d been a good twenty feet away, Brett felt certain that they’d heard her. Leo had kept Jerry away from Brett unless Karissa was up the trail farther, chatting with Tabatha. It was during one of those times that Brett learned Jerry owned and operated a horse stable.
“Do you rent horses?” Brett asked. “I haven’t been on a horse in years.”
“We do,” Jerry replied with a shy smile. “We even offer guided trail rides. Maybe you and your friends”—his attention flickered ahead to Karissa before returning to Brett—”well,someof your friends would like to see the mountains on horseback instead of hiking.”
Brett understood the small man’s concern. He’d obviously picked up on Karissa’s rather toxic vibe, too.
Nodding, Brett told Jerry, “Hell, even if it’s just me, I’d be interested in at least getting on one in an arena.”
“You know Ned would go with you,” Leo stated with a grin. “He’d be happy to—”
As if she realized someone was talking to Brett about Nedrick, Karissa cut off her conversation with Tabatha to stop and wait for Brett to catch up. Her green eyes were narrowed just a smidge as she eyed them. As soon as she was close enough, she took Brett’s hand again.
“Watcha talkin’ about?” Karissa asked.
“Horseback riding,” Brett answered honestly.
“Ugg, why’d you want to go near those smelly animals?” Karissa turned her nose up as if she could smell something nasty right that second. “They’re big, dumb, and dangerous.”
Forcing a smile, Brett told Jerry, “I’ll grab your number and talk to you about it later.”
“Sounds good.”
Leo was the one who replied. Then he used his hold on Jerry’s hand to slow them both, falling into step near Luther and Deke.
“No, really?” Karissa demanded, scowling at him. “Why were you talking about horses with that fag?”
“Damn it, Karissa,” Brett snapped, unable to help himself as his neck began to heat from embarrassment. “Watch your damn mouth already.”
Karissa rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”
At least she shut up.
A moment later, Preall called from near the front of the group. “We’ll stop and rest just up ahead for a few minutes. There’s a great view to enjoy.”
“Good,” Karissa huffed, a whine filling her tone. “I could use a break, and my feet are starting to hurt.”
Brett wasn’t certain who behind them said it, but he wasn’t the only one who heard a guy say, “That’s what you get for hiking for long periods in boots that aren’t properly broken in.”
Karissa scowled over her shoulder for a few seconds before snarling, “Whatever.”
Just as Preall had promised, when they reached the plateau, the trees thinned to reveal an expansive clearing with a great view. Brett was impressed. They’d climbed much higher than he thought they had. The thick trees had hidden just how far up they were.
Standing with the others, Brett breathed in the fresh mountain air as he enjoyed the panoramic scene. He surveyed valleys and ridges of trees as far as the eye could see. There were even a few spots of blue, telling him where rivers ran.
“Gorgeous,” Brett murmured, taking it all in.
“Why thank you,” Karissa purred into his ear. “I think you’re pretty hot yourself.”
Brett barely refrained from doing his own eye-roll.
As Brett stood there, he felt his bladder twinge. He glanced around, wondering if he could step away and find a handy tree or bush. Spotting a likely clump of smaller evergreens, Brett started that way... with Karissa following, of course.
Once Brett had nearly reached his intended target, he tried to extricate himself from her hold. “Let go for a sec.”
Karissa gripped his arm tighter. “Why? Where are you going?”
Pausing, Brett pointed at the cluster. “I’m going to step behind a tree and take a piss.”