Page 16 of Stealing His Human
“Fine.” Karissa curled her lip in disgust as she grumbled, “But don’t be long. I don’t wanna be stuck with all these fags by myself. Hurry up.”
While Brett figured he shouldn’t have been so blunt, he wasn’t prepared for Karissa’s sharp shove. He stumbled sideways a few steps and between a couple of bushes, their brambles catching the skin of his calves. Brett hissed and moved a few more steps without looking where he was going, and the earth fell away from beneath his feet.
With a sharp yell of surprise, Brett felt himself falling. That lasted only a couple of feet, and he landed on his ass. The momentum kept him moving, though, and he slid who knew how long until the ground gave way again.
Brett tried to grab onto a branch, but it broke. Careening down a sharper embankment, he flailed, trying to catch himself, only to slam his left arm against a set of jagged rocks. Pain erupted through his limb, and he instinctively tucked it close just as his feet hit soft dirt. The soil didn’t hold his weight, and Brett barked another cry as he found himself tumbling into darkness.
When Brett finally stopped moving, he lay still in stunned silence on the earthen floor. He breathed slowly, trying to get his racing pulse to slow. Once he felt ready, Brett slowly eased into a sitting position, tucking his left arm to his chest, doing his best to ignore the pulsing ache radiating through it. All that did was make Brett aware of the myriad of other painful cuts and abrasions riddling his body.
Bowing his head, Brett focused on just calming himself. Slowly, he moved the rest of his limbs, and relief flooded him when he found everything else seemed in working order. After a few moments, Brett realized he heard the sound of several people shouting his name.
Relief filled him. Right. I’m not out here alone.
Even though his head was spinning, making his stomach twist uncomfortably, Brett tipped his chin up and hollered back. “I’m here.” He rubbed his temple with his right hand for a couple of heartbeats before adding, “I’m in a hole.”
A second later, Brett squinted up at the light filtering through said hole and made out the shape of someone’s head and torso. He lifted his good hand. “Here.”
Immediately, the torso turned into a lithe body as someone dropped into the cave with him. He landed in a crouch, making it look so easy. Then he straightened and rushed to Brett’s side.
“Brett, baby,” Nedrick cried, dropping to his knees beside him. He held his hands up as if he wanted to grab him, but he hesitated, clearly uncertain where to touch him. “Are you injured? Where’s it hurt?”
“Guess I look about as bad as I feel,” Brett muttered, offering a wry smile.
Nedrick frowned, sweeping his gaze over him again. His attention snagged on how he was holding his left arm. “Broke, you think?” Nedrick pointed at it.
“Yep, pretty sure,” Brett confirmed, grimacing. “Can’t use it, but I can wiggle my fingers. Sorta feels like when I broke my leg playing football in high school.”
Grimacing, Nedrick nodded. “Then you won’t be able to climb out yourself.” Resting his left hand lightly on Brett’s knee, he gently cradled Brett’s jaw with his right. Nedrick peered deep into his eyes. “Did you hit your head? Think you have a concussion?”
Brett hummed. “Got a hell of a headache, so probably.”
“Okay.” Nedrick leaned forward and kissed his temple. “Don’t worry. We’ll have you out of here in no time.”
Nedrick didn’t seem to need a reply, for which Brett was grateful. His mouth was suddenly dry, and he felt the unmistakable urge to puke. Grimacing, Brett did his best to fight it.
Jumping to his feet, Nedrick moved to stand beneath the opening. That was when Brett noticed another person peering down at them.
“We’re going to need a rope with a plank for Brett to sit on while we haul him up,” Nedrick told him. “He’s broken his wrist. Can one of the guys run down the trail until he gets service and call Lark?”
“Will do.” Brett recognized Preall’s voice. “I’ll send Leo. He’s fast. It might take us a bit of time to get enough rope or vines to fashion a sling for him, though.”
“Thanks, man, and I get it,” Nedrick replied. “Will you toss down the first aid kit and a pack with some water and trail mix or jerky or something?”
“Will do.” Preall pulled away and said something to someone else, but Brett couldn’t make it out. A second later, he reappeared, holding something over the opening. “Heads up.”
A second later, Nedrick caught whatever Preall dropped. He set it aside, and Brett recognized the white cross on the large red bag. Nedrick caught something else, then turned and headed toward him. After placing the backpack on the ground, he returned to get the first aid kit.
“Sit tight, guys,” Preall told him. “We’ll have you out as soon as possible.” After a second, he added, “If you need anything, Michel will be close enough to hear you holler while the rest of us search.”
“Thanks, Preall,” Nedrick called before returning to Brett’s side. “Damn, you’re pale,” he murmured, kneeling beside him. “Let’s get ya a sip of water.” He grabbed the backpack and opened it, pulling out a water bottle. After cracking the seal, instead of handing it to him, Nedrick cradled the back of Brett’s head and held the bottle to his lips. “Just a little now.”
Brett didn’t fight him and took a small sip, then a second one. Even as he appreciated the cool, refreshing liquid sliding down his throat, he felt his bladder twinge. He grimaced as discomfort of a different nature flooded him.
“What is it?” Nedrick asked quickly, perhaps spotting his wince. “What’s wrong?”
Nedrick rubbed his thumb over the skin under Brett’s ear, sending tingles across his skin. They trickled south, which just confused his dick as he started to plump in his shorts. The sensation of unexpected arousal warred with his bladder’s need for relief.
“Brett?” Nedrick urged.