Page 13 of He Loves Me Knot
Liddy:It’s fine. Just didn’t realize. It’s the ass crack of dawn here. What are you still doing up?
Elle:All the things. Hotel wasn’t quite what we expected. We’ve been scrambling to find accommodations for some of our guests. And Mom and Dad and Quinn’s parents in the same space . . . shoot me now. I can’t wait for you to be here already.
The thought of their country-loving, very Southern parents in a hotel with Quinn’s posh and upper-class British parents was enough to make Liddy chortle. Elle had been worried about it so much that it was partially why she’d settled on a destination wedding—someplace out of both sets of parents’ comfort zones.
Not that the Camdens were that bad. Ironically, Liddy had spent more time around the Camdens since she’d gotten the job with Camden Enterprises than even Elle had.
Coming to live in London had been a dream—as had working with Camden Enterprises. Even though Mr. Camden was retired, and Quinn’s brother Aiden was in charge of the company now, Elle’s future parents-in-law still came to many business functions. And she also saw Mason Camden with even more frequency since he was dating one of her best friends at work, Rebecca.
Poor Elle, though.Liddy couldn’t imagine—as inwould never—do something like have a destination wedding. The thought of it went so against Liddy’s sense of meticulous planning that it seemed more like the plot of a horror movie than a romantic escape.
Liddy:What’s wrong with the hotel?
Elle:You’ll see when you get here. And if you talk to Callum, tell him I have a bone to pick with him. He’s the one who suggested this place to Q.
Interesting. The idea of Callum having a close friendship with Quinn still felt so weird to her. Of course, she’d never seen them interact, but that was because Elle and Quinn lived most of the year in Nashville, only coming during the summer and around Christmas to spend some time at Quinn’s estate in the country, Littleton.
Whatever was going on in the hotel in Costa Rica, though, she’d let Quinn and Elle make their complaints directly to Callum.
Liddy:Yeah, I’ll let you handle that. See you soon! XO
Liddy’s gaze slid over the top edge of her phone toward Callum, her lips twisting. Elle wasn’t normally the best person for Liddy to vent to about him. Maybe now if Elle was irritated about the wedding, she would finally understand what an ass he was. Sure, he could be charming and even seemingly likable at first glance. But he was like that perfect bowl of oatmeal that only became more congealed and gloppy and cold and gross with each bite.
And even if she’d sometimes wondered why her first, favorable impression of him had felt so real, the past two years had given her more than enough of his detached, unfriendly demeanor to solidify her poor opinion.
She couldn’t understand why the Camdens held him in such high regard—everyone else at the office seemed to dislike him as much as she did. The only time she’d even seen him smile at work was when Aiden came by Callum’s office.
Checking the time again, she wrinkled her nose, then dialed her flatmate, Miranda. Miranda picked up after a few rings. “Do you realize what time it is?”
“Yes, but this is worth it. You’ll never guess who is on my flight down to Costa Rica.”
Miranda yawned. “Rebecca and Mason?”
“No, they’re on a later flight.”
“Bono? Or Prince William?”
“Well, I was dreaming about Bono and Prince William a minute ago. And let me tell you, it was the type of dream that I’m furious at you for interrupting.”
Liddy guffawed. “Really? They do it for you, huh?”
“It wasa dream.I was horny. And it was fantastic.” Miranda cleared her throat. “All I’m saying is, this better be worth the interruption.”
A long groan sounded. “You woke me up to tell me that Callum is on your flight? I thought it would be juicy, not someone we literally see every day. I’m already bored.”
“I just needed to vent.”
“No, you told me because you still have a crush on him. Not that I’m blaming you.”
Liddy wrinkled her nose. She never should have told Miranda about the first time she’d met Callum. Miranda had been teasing her about “nearly hooking up with” Callum ever since.
“Fine. Go back to your orgy dream.”
Miranda chortled. “I’m just teasing. It’s a rotten bit of luck. But so is an entire trip with him around, if you ask me. Although, promise me you’ll take a picture of him for me on the beach if he takes his shirt off. I have a bet going with Dean that Callum is hiding a six-pack under that suit.”