Page 14 of He Loves Me Knot
“Only you can simultaneously loathe and lust.”
“I maintain that he’s probably a secret Christian Grey. The ones who treat everyone with as much apathy as he does are always the best lovers.”
Miranda loved to give copious details about her love life, but Liddy didnotwant to imagine Callum that way. Not that he wouldn’t be an attractive Dom, but—okay. Stop. Not going to let my imagination get the better of me.
“Yeah, well, I just almost knocked over a janitor’s cart in front of him and spilled disgusting mop water on my pants. Then when he came over to help me pick up the toilet paper from the floor, I told him I hadn’t peed myself.”
“Oh, wow?—”
“I’m so embarrassed.”
“I know what it’s like to embarrass myself in front of that man. I’m so sorry. I’m still kicking myself.”
When did Miranda embarrass herself in front of Callum?Liddy frowned. “Why, what happened?”
“Ugh. Nothing. I’d rather not relive it. Are you excited about the wedding?”
Weird.Miranda rarely hesitated to share anything that happened to her. Their friendship was practically built on TMI. Liddy hung up a few minutes later, wishing Miranda was coming with her on this trip. She was excited to see her family, but they didn’t understand her life here in England.
Switching to a social media app, she scrolled mindlessly, trying to forget the morning’s irritating events. By the time the gate agent announced boarding, the waiting area had filled with sufficient people to block her view of Callum. Lydia stood and moved toward the gate.
To her dismay, Callum joined her in line.
She maintained her silence as she handed her passport and ticket to the boarding agent, then hurried onto the plane. The plane was still empty as she boarded, then she stowed her carry-on above her seat. As she glanced around for a place to put the wedding dress, Callum came up behind her.
“Need help?” he asked, pausing at her side.
“I got it.” She gripped the garment bag with both hands.
Callum continued to stand there. After a second, she raised a brow at him. “What do you need?”
He nodded to the window seat in her row. “That’s my seat.”
“Oh.”Shit.She forced a smile, then stepped to the side, gritting her teeth.Seriously?
Because,of course.Quinn’s travel agent didn’t know they didn’t get along.
Callum slipped past her, then slid his carry-on bag under the seat in front of him. He sat and pulled down the window shade.
“Guess we don’t want to see out the window today.”
“Guess not.” Callum drew his lips to a line, then once again tugged his headphones out of his bag. He plopped them on, then leaned back in his seat, eyes closed once more.
Was it too late to see about switching seats?
“Excuse me,” a voice said from behind. Lydia glanced over her shoulder to see a line of passengers forming in the aisle, waiting impatiently to get in their seats.
She stepped into the row, resting the garment bag against the seat. Once there was another break in the boarding, she scooted into the aisle and tried to fold the bag into the overhead bin.
Struggling with the weight of it, she stepped on her tiptoes, wishing she was taller. The garment bag covered the top of her head, blocking her view, when it suddenly went weightless. Jerking her head over her shoulder, she locked eyes with a set of light brown eyes—and the ridiculously handsome man who had helped her push it into the bin.
He threw her a megawatt smile with perfect teeth. “You have a body in that bag?” he asked with a laugh, a soft Spanish accent to his voice.
Lydia grinned. “No, it’s my sister’s wedding dress. I’m on my way to her wedding.”
“And bringing it all the way from London?” He raised his brows.God, he was . . . hot.No other way to put it. Sexy tan, the slightest bit of dark stubble on his jaw. Short silky black hair.