Page 82 of Shadow Wings
He bared his fangs and grudgingly answered,I don’t think I should take flight againtoday.
I scanned the ground for Druman, but I hadn’t seen any since the last group. I could take the opportunity of Tyrrik resting to scout the area for Kamini’s sister.You land,I thought,I want to continue searching for thePhaetyn.
If I had eyebrows right now, they’d be raised.Excuseme?
You are not remaining in the sky without me. It’s notsafe.
My tail twitched.Care to rephrase that? Reallyfast.
Tyrrik twisted to glance back at me.Princess, I’m tired, very tired, and I require rest. If you’re in the sky and I cannot see you, I will not be able torest.
Sure you can. Just close your little ol’ eyes and have akip.
He chuffed, a frustrated sound coming from his Drae lips.It’s exhausting to act against my protective instincts, and I’m far too tired to fight the mating . . .He faced the front.The thought of you in danger without me there to defend you will drive me mad. You have no idea how much effort it took to keep up the pretense while you were in the castle.When I said nothing he added, I was only able to do it because the alternative was so much worse. If you wish to continue, I’ll stay with you for as long as I can, but I cannot leave you alone andunprotected.
I took a final glancearound.
Unless you wish to help me?heasked.
I growled, knowing he’d hear the sound despite the wind snatching the snarl away.And that won’t mean anything to you. To the bond betweenus?
Some of my Drae powers were instinctual like my sense of smell or talking with Tyrrik in my head. Shifting had been difficult at first, and I still struggled to control my body when my emotions were high. The energy between Tyrrik and me was something I didn’tunderstand.
My Phaetyn powers felt different. That energy was fluid, and it seemed like the well of power was deep and all mine. Yes, there was a learning curve, but it was still allme.
This mating-bond power felt like tenacious fibers, the threads were thin but incredibly strong. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be tied to anyone. At least not now, and maybe not ever. If I pushed power into thosebonds. . .
Tyrrik didn’treply.
Will giving you some of my Drae energy affect the bond between us?I asked again, so irritated I was about ready to bite his tail off. My frustration might’ve been why Tyrrik chose that moment todescend.
Yes, he finallyanswered.
I knew it! Freakin’ manipulative Drae!Yes?How?
He descended faster. Dyter was looking between us, and I struggled to remember that beating Tyrrik to death with my tail would hurt the human Iloved.
Tyrrik’s voice came to me strained with trepidation as he replied,Doing so will tie us closer together. It will also break more of the barriers between ourthoughts.
He’d offered the innocuous information with far too much anxiety.Tyrrik, tell me everything. I’m serious. If you don’t, I will never, ever mate with youHow could I trust someone with my life, want to protect theirs, yet still have to make sure they weren’t keeping me in thedark?
You will begin to feel more as I do. Anxious to be parted, nearly overwhelmed by my smell, and your body will wantmine.
My body already was pretty interested in his. That wasn’t my problem. You were just going to leave that part out? Am I going to go crazy? Am I going to lose mymind?
He hesitated, one hundred meters above the mountain tops.If you strengthen the bond, my hold over you will growstronger.
Even in this Drae form, my heart grew cold.What do youmean?
Do you remember when I used to kissyou?
Why did I get the feeling I wasn’t going to like what he saidnext?
A male Drae is able to control his mate in life and death situations; it’s for survival of the species. The effect of my kiss used to wear off on you quickly, I assume because of your Phaetyn side, but as the mate bond grows, so will my protective power overyou.
Control me?Like a bloodoath?