Page 126 of Heavenly Bodies
She knew who it was before she even opened the door.
Wiping her eyes, still clutching his crown, she opened it.
The sight nearly ripped her heart in two. Enzo was standing before her, leaning against the door, anguish on his face. His shirt was rumpled, his curls in disarray.
‘El,’ he said, making to come in.
‘Enzo,’ she bit out firmly, blocking his path. He looked where her arm barred the door then stared at her, confused.
‘Enzo, what happened back there, it can’t happen again.’
‘No. Listen. Please,’ she added more softly, the walls around her heart caving in on themselves. ‘What happened in there,’ she began again, ‘should never have happened in the first place.’ She drew herself up, squaring her shoulders. ‘I’ve been selfish. Unforgivably selfish. To everyone around me. To my people, my country. Even to you.’
She swallowed down the lump in her throat.
‘El, if you heard me and my father—you know I didn’t mean any of what I said, and Asteria—’
‘I know,’ she said. ‘But the truth is still the truth. Weareenemies, Enzo. Your father has just admitted to killing members of my army. He wants to take Asteria for himself, and you would be powerless to stop him.’
Enzo went to argue, but she ploughed on. ‘I have allowed my heart to lead me rather than my head. And people have died because of that. I am a queen first and I should have accepted my fate, rather than drag innocent people in by trying to change its course.’
‘Elara, fuck the—’
‘Stop.’ She stilled his lips with a shaking hand. He studied her silently, a dark look in his gaze as she felt the burn of his stare. ‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making out that this was anything other than a temporary alliance.’
‘Elara, what are you doing?’ The words were black, creepinginto her heart. She swallowed, seeing his fist clench against the wall, his jaw twitch.
‘I’m sorry for involving you, when we both know I’m destined for a Star.’ She held his crown in front of him. ‘I think you should take this.’
Enzo looked at it, then at her, eyes glowing like embers. He pushed himself off the wall, smelling of bonfires and amber. He took the crown from her grasp. For a moment, Elara saw the urge to say something flit across his face. He brought his fist to his mouth, halting himself.
‘As you wish, princess,’ he replied at last, his voice quiet, his smile strained. He left then, leaving her sagging against her doorframe. He didn’t spare her a second glance as he walked off down the corridor.
The moment she saw him disappear around the corner, she sank to the floor, her whole body racked with grief. She didn’t know how long she stayed there, just that eventually Merissa was standing before her.
Her friend didn’t say anything, only picked Elara off the floor, shut the door and helped her change. She gently tucked her into bed, sliding in beside her. She didn’t ask why Elara was crying, didn’t assume. Just stroked Elara’s hair, before eventually falling asleep next to her.
Elara stayed awake though, watching the empty chair that Enzo had slept in every night as she had healed, knowing that nothing would be the same.
The next morning, it was Leo who appeared at her door, and said that he’d be taking over her training rigorously until Ariete arrived in Helios. It felt like she had been taken back months, to the last time she and Enzo had stopped speaking. Elara hated that she was relieved to be with the general, and hated that she was also disappointed. She had no right to be.
She blinked at the brightness of Sol as she rode beside Leo in silence. Enzo’s absence was a cold and empty vacuum, and she had to bite her cheek to quell her welling tears. Leo looked to her as they reached the familiar path that led into the forest, where she had first trained with Enzo.
‘Come,’ he said gently, slowing their horses to a patch of shade among the trees. ‘Elara, Enzo told me what happened last night.’
‘Did you give the order?’ she asked. ‘To kill my border’s army?’
‘No,’ Leo said. ‘I swear I didn’t. Idris gave the order directly to the troops stationed there.’
Elara nodded.
Leo wet his lips. ‘Maybe you’ll think I’m speaking out ofturn, but I don’t care—why are you doing this?’ he asked. ‘Pushing Enzo away? A blind man could see that you don’t want this.’
‘It doesn’t matter what I want. It matters what will happen if I ignore sense.’