Page 127 of Heavenly Bodies
‘I know for a fact that Enzo does not care about the prophecy,’ Leo said. ‘Nor does he see you as the enemy any more. I see him with you. I know him.’
‘What does it matter? Even without the prophecy, I have a kingdom to try and salvage, people who are dying because of me. Because I ran away.’
‘Well, youweretechnically kidnapped,’ Leo responded lightly.
Elara made a derisive noise. ‘But I had the chance to return to my people. To run back. Stay. And fight. And I didn’t. Because I’m a fucking coward. And a selfish one at that. I told myself that it was because I must be trained as a weapon. Only then could I return to take back my throne. But I was lying. I wanted to stay.’ She took a deep breath. ‘So you know what? It’s only right that I’m destined for someone else. Enzo’s heart is too good for me anyway.’
Leo let out a slow breath and leaned back to look at her against the Light.
‘Elara, do you know how long I have known Enzo?’
‘Since you were boys,’ she affirmed.
‘Exactly. Since we were boys. I have seen him grow up. I’ve seen him with women. I have seen him get bored week after week with whichever new girl has been on his arm. I’ve also seen the emptiness in his eyes. How no one seemed to possess whatever it is he was looking for.’ He paused then, growing pensive. ‘I’ve heard him speak of love and witnessed him carving it into marble. I’ve seen the need in his eyes for something deeper.’ Leo huffed out a laugh. ‘And then, youwhirled in. A storm of smoke and shadows. And I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.’
‘Forget what?’ Elara breathed.
‘The way his eyes lit up that first time you spoke to him, the barb so ready on your tongue.’ He chuckled at the memory. ‘The way he admitted to me not long after that he had never encountered someone that he felt like he knew instantly, deeply. Someone who could see right through him, when usually it was him doing the seeing. Elara, just answer me this. When the world is stripped bare, what is it you seek? Because I know what Enzo seeks. Who Enzo seeks.’
He turned his face to Elara then, his warm brown eyes leaving her soul bare. ‘He looks for you in every room.’
Elara’s stomach plummeted as her mind flew back to when she was lying next to Enzo in the woodlands. She fought to crush the rising in her heart, both panic and elation, the magnanimity of what she had fallen into threatening to overcome her. There was a long silence until she raised her eyes, filled with tears, to look at Leo.
‘I look for him too.’
Elara managed to keep avoiding Enzo. She focused on the impending threat of Ariete, allowing Leo to work her through merciless drills, wielding the duskglass blade like the lethal weapon it was. And still, Leo’s words weighed heavier and heavier on her heart. So Elara did what she did best; she pushed it all down, cramming that box within her shut, feeding her darkness.
When she wasn’t with Leo, Elara pestered Merissa while they worked together in the kitchens, imploring her to showher how she glamoured. Elara wanted to understand every tip and trick Merissa knew for her own illusions.
It was on one of those days that Leo barrelled into the kitchen, eyes wild. Elara’s hands froze in the dough she was kneading as Merissa sifted flour over it.
‘It’s Ariete, isn’t it?’ she breathed, her hands going slack.
Leo nodded. ‘He held the Star’s Summit. The Stars refused to bend their rule—Leyon staunchly. So Ariete told them that he would enter Helios, whether it started a celestial war or not. He marches for Helios tomorrow.’
‘And where is Leyon now?’
‘Screaming bloody murder in the Heavens. He’s demanding the Stars commit a coup against their king. He wouldn’t dare try to fight his brother alone.’
‘Training,now,’ Elara said, brushing her hands on her apron as she stalked out of the kitchens. ‘Merissa, I need you there too.’
Merissa frowned as she hurried after Leo and Elara.
They walked down a quiet corridor. ‘Does Enzo know?’ Elara asked Leo.
‘Yes, and he’s hunting for you. I saw him storming down the great hallway moments before I found you.’
‘Then we need to train outside of the palace.’
‘Elara, we have just received word that Ariete will be here tomorrow. Enzo is going to be incensed if we leave and he can’t find you.’
Elara let out a long breath. ‘I know. I know this isn’t fair to him. Or you. Or anyone. But if I see him, I am going to be distracted, and Ican’tbe when I meet my fate with Ariete. Please tell me you understand?’
Leo rubbed a hand over his face. ‘Fine. But if I see him before we leave, I won’t lie to him, Elara.’
They made their way swiftly through the palace, Elarataking routes now familiar to her as they finally reached the path that would lead to the forest.
‘Merissa, I want you to watch,’ she said as they climbed. ‘Keep an eye out for any spots I leave open, any places that Ariete could strike.’