Page 24 of The Omega Slave
“Please don’t,” but then Kamir’s dusky brown cheeks took on a deeper hue, and Tsaria watched in fascination as the man blushed. “That is… Of course, you shouldn’t feel any obligation, or—”
Tsaria was utterly charmed and completely unable to stop himself from touching Kamir’s trembling bottom lip with his thumb, and carefully stroking it to the corner. He felt the nudge on his hip from Kamir’s rapidly swelling cock, and Kamir’s shy look turned mortified. “I—”
Before his brain even registered the thought, Tsaria shifted onto his side, bent, and fastened his lips over Kamir’s, swallowing the startled noise and demanding entrance with his tongue. Kamir parted his lips with an almost full-body shiver, and Tsaria wrapped his arms around him protectively. They were both naked after the bath, and for once he hadn’t had to command his own body to take interest.
Tsaria always had to submit to a lover. Both men and women, even if submission differed. Sometimes women were the worst.They demanded kisses and for Tsaria to lavish praise on them. Men usually just cared about the end result. It was one of the reasons why he was getting fewer requests with men. Too old, too tall. His days of being delicate were over, but somehow in this bed, he didn’t want to be fucked. Didn’t want to be reduced to a convenient hole. He slid down a little more and propped himself up on one elbow, letting his fingers trail down Kamir’s slim throat and the lump as he swallowed hastily. Then he watched as Kamir’s eyes fluttered shut and his lips parted as Tsaria’s finger trailed over his chest. Both his nipples peaked before Tsaria’s fingers reached them, and his areolas puckered.
They looked as equally delicious as Kamir’s lips and stopping himself from leaning forward for a taste would have been simply impossible.
“I…I-what?” Kamir babbled and Tsaria smiled as he licked the pebbling nub and gently took it in his teeth. He stretched out his hand and found Kamir’s hard length, swiping his thumb over the tip. Kamir’s moan was long and low, and he moved his hand up Tsaria’s arm. Slowly, hesitantly, Kamir’s fingers reached higher and slid through Tsaria’s long hair, the delicious light scrape on his scalp making his breath catch.
Tsaria let go of Kamir’s nipple and decided to investigate more of his body. He slid lower, but Kamir gripped his arms, so Tsaria stilled and focused on his face. Kamir shook his head, but then whispered, “Let me.”
And without giving Tsaria a chance to utter one startled word, he pressed him to his back and slid down the bed. Tsaria watched, completely stunned. The only time he’d had this himself was during instruction. The younger pleasure slaves were ordered to train, and Tsaria was always gentle with them, but working, he was always the one to use his mouth.
But you’re not working.
Or was he?
Kamir wasn’t like anyone he’d ever met. Cautiously, he licked the base of Tsaria’s length, and Tsaria moaned out his appreciation. With growing confidence, Kamir closed his lips over just the tip, then tentatively traced the slit with his tongue.
“Goddess,” Tsaria whispered, and Kamir hesitated. “Please don’t stop,” Tsaria begged. It would kill him. Each shy lick, the slim fingers that wrapped themselves around his base, and the cautious sucks were driving him insane. No one had ever taken their time with Tsaria, but this adorable man seemed to be trying to map every vein, every inch of skin with his tongue. For the first time in many summers, Tsaria could feel his pleasure building without any sort of self-control.
“Kamir, I’m close,” he warned. It was one thing to suck someone’s cock, an entirely different thing to swallow. But the ache deep in his balls felt so fucking good.
Kamir used his other hand to gently tug on Tsaria’s sac and Tsaria fisted his hands in the sheet below him. “So good,” he murmured breathily. Then Kamir used the tip of his tongue in Tsaria’s slit and pleasure and heat coalesced in his groin. Kamir tightened his fingers and that was it. He could no more hold back his orgasm than he could the cry of Kamir’s name as it left his throat.
Not that Kamir stopped there. He very carefully cleaned him with his tongue until Tsaria bent and lifted the man so he slid up his body. It was Kamir’s turn to moan as his cock scraped Tsaria’s groin. Tsaria laid him on his back, then leaned over and grabbed his hard and leaking cock, wrapping his fingers around it until Kamir began to pant in shallow breaths. “That was for you,” Kamir insisted.
“And this is for you,” Tsaria whispered, leaning over him to swallow the sounds he made when Kamir spurted into Tsaria’s tight grip. Kamir collapsed against him, and Tsaria could just reach one of the napkins lying on the nightstand to quickly wipehis hand, before he pulled him snugly against his chest and wrapped him up close.
He lay there completely stunned, trying to get air back in his lungs and wondering what had just happened. “Kamir—”
But there was a knock at the door and Mansala informed his highness that breakfast was prepared in the salon and that Jael was here.
Kamir smiled lazily before he opened his eyes, but whatever he saw in Tsaria’s sobered him instantly. He wrenched himself out of Tsaria’s arms and sat up. Tsaria frowned as he took in Kamir’s back and his heart sank. Was this regret?
“I’m sorry, that was unfair of me.”
“Unfair?” Tsaria repeated, unsure he had heard correctly. Kamir’s shoulders curled in and Tsaria ached to touch him. What was wrong?
“You probably imagined you were obligated.”
Understanding flashed through him, and he sat up. “No, Kamir.” He addressed him by his name deliberately. “I did that because I wanted to.” He laid his hands on Kamir’s shoulders and pulled until he turned.
“I never want who I am to be in our bed.”
“Well, let’s hope you never shift in here.” Tsaria warmed at the adorable, sheepish smile. It was too easy to tease him. He kissed his cheek. “I know what you mean.” He knew appearances would need to be maintained out there, but he liked that in bed they were just two lovers. “I think we should get breakfast. Are you hungry?”
Kamir shrugged. “I don’t often eat first meal.”
Tsaria didn’t reply because Kamir needed a keeper and he knew that if he slid into that role, he would enjoy it too much. He was coming to trust Kamir had no alternative motives, but the fact that he was the emir and Tsaria had been a pleasure slave would always be the bridge they couldn’t cross.
Tsaria was thankful the adjoining room was for dressing. Warm, fragrant water in two bowls, soap, and towels were laid out, along with two markedly different changes of clothes. Tsaria insisted on helping Kamir dress after they had both washed, but just as Tsaria settled an over-tunic on Kamir, Kamir stepped close. “I preferred it when you smelled of me.”
Tsaria pressed his lips together to keep from laughing at the outrageous statement. It seemed Kamir was only shy when they were in bed. He stood back, then picked up his own simple breeches and shirt. To be fair, he’d seen Attiker in something very similar yesterday, and these were better clothes than he was used to wearing.
As a boy, he’d been lucky to get filthy rags. As a man, he was used to dressing in either provocative silks or nothing at all.