Page 25 of The Omega Slave
Kamir waited while he tied the shirt, but the heat in his gaze let Tsaria know he was probably wishing he was taking them off, not putting them on.
“I cannot call you by your given name out there,” Tsaria cautioned. Kamir sighed. “I know you gave me leave to do so, but I fear it would make everyone uncomfortable.”
“Especially you?” Kamir guessed correctly.
“Yes, Highness,” Tsaria said firmly and opened the door, standing back for the emir to walk out.
It was charming to hear Jael firing questions at somebody, and he heard a light chuckle he wasn’t sure he recognized. He followed Kamir into the salon, only to see an elegant older lady sitting and listening to Jael’s excited chatter.
Kamir instantly stopped and bowed low from his waist. “Your highness, I am honored—” But Tsaria didn’t hear the rest, he just threw himself on the ground, kneeling and pressing his head to the floor in a proper expression of deference. As a slave he would be expected to do this. He closed his eyes tight and waited for anorder. If he had been tardy in this back home, he would have lost his head.
“Gracious me,” her highness spoke. “Isn’t this your companion?”
“It is,” Kamir said quite clearly, but gently. “Tsaria, please stand. I would like to present you to the dowager queen mother, Her Highness, Aristella Kinsharae.”
Tsaria lifted his head and scrambled to his feet, his heart beating mildly.His companion?He glanced up, and she smiled, offering her hand, which he wasn’t sure what to do with. But he took a guess and took it lightly, bowing over it like Kamir had done. She smiled, but instead of letting go, she brought her other hand down to trap his in between hers and patted it.
“Now, I came to invite you to breakfast.”
Tam chuckled and mouthed the word “Liar” at her. She sniffed very disdainfully. “I wanted to make sure everyone knew they were invited.”
“For real?” Jael asked, excitement in his voice.
She let go of Tsaria’s hands, much to his relief, and waved at Mansala. “Perhaps we can all walk together?” Tsaria tried desperately to hang back, but her highness decided that he was to escort her and tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow. Four guards all fell into step with them as soon as they left the rooms. Jael squeaked when he saw them and tried to get to the other side of Tsaria. Her highness noticed. “They’re not here to arrest you, my dear. Why don’t you hold my cane as this young man is going to hold me up? The cane was a gift from my late husband, and I simply can’t be parted from it.”
Jael took it like it was studded with diamonds, and for the first time since he had been in her presence, Tsaria smiled. Her highness kept up the conversation with Jael, telling him they were going to meet her grandchildren, and they eventually walked into a much bigger salon with daybeds, padded couches,and smaller tables dotted about. A line of liveried servants was just entering from the other doors and whatever they were carrying made Tsaria’s belly growl. He clutched it in alarm, but her highness simply patted his hand again before letting go and announced she adored boys with a healthy appetite.
“Grandmother, have you been kidnapping our guests?” Attiker walked in just behind the servants, along with the two children Tsaria had been so charmed by yesterday. A plump gray-haired lady entered as well, and the princess was holding her hand and asking about cake. Attiker informed her she wasn’t allowed to eat cake for breakfast, but as soon as Attiker looked away, the cook winked at the princess and she giggled.
Tsaria stepped to one side, but bumped into Kamir, who had come to an abrupt stop. He followed Kamir’s gaze, but it was just Princess Candy and the cook.
“Amar,” Kamir whispered, his voice hoarse, and the cook’s head whipped around.
She pressed her hand tight over her mouth and tears sprang.
“Amar,” Kamir repeated joyfully and rushed forwards, enclosing her in his arms. “I searched everywhere when I could. Please tell me you are well.”
The cook hugged him equally hard and got out a napkin to wipe her eyes.
“This looks like a fascinating story,” her highness said eagerly, taking a seat. The servants arranged a napkin and silverware on a small table then came forward with dishes for her to choose from. “Amar?”
“How about I get the kids sorted and let Cookie explain?” Attiker took all three of them to a small table with chairs and introduced Jael. They were soon chatting like kids do, and individually eating an amount Tsaria would have made last for three days. And not because he didn’t get fed in the pleasurehouse, but because he had to keep his body as youthful and as small as possible.
Her highness waved at Kamir when they were all sorted, and even the cook had a cup of tea put into her hands. She looked a little flustered, so Kamir explained. “Amar was a cook at the palace in Rajpur when I was a small child. My diet was restricted and one of the many rules was only eating what was planned for me. Amar used to sneak me things when I was really hungry, and she got discovered and lost her position because of me.” Kamir met her gaze. “I’m so sorry.”
The cook just patted Kamir’s cheek and told him not to worry. She stood, excusing herself because the bread would need to go in the oven, and Kamir promised to see her later.
Kamir shook his head in apparent disbelief and sat back down after escorting her to the door, reaching for Tsaria’s hand. He took it instantly, knowing Kamir needed comfort.
“She lost her job over a small slice of apple tart,” he whispered. “I grew up with servants after my mother died. They all had strict instructions on how I should be punished for that.”
Punished?Tsaria grew still, as that sounded too familiar. Way too familiar. It seemed convenient they both shared a similar history. Too convenient. But Kamir seemed to realize he had an audience and quickly commented that the breakfast looked wonderful. Then the servants offered them food and Tsaria watched as Kamir hesitated over even a tiny amount.
Punished?But Tsaria had an awful idea that he knew so he simply filled Kamir’s plate as well as his own, pretending he didn’t notice the approving looks the dowager queen sent him, and kept an eye on Kamir while he ate. When they’d finished, another servant arrived to escort the prince and princess to their lessons. The princess put her hand in Jael’s and asked if he could come.
Jael looked at Tsaria and shuffled his feet uncomfortably. He was searching for something to say when Candy beat him to it. “When I came here, I couldn’t even read, and Master Eehle said that was a good thing, because I could start learning the right way.”
“What a good idea,” Attiker said, and as Jael seemed completely starstruck with the princess, he agreed immediately.