Page 91 of Trailer Trash
“Now is that any way to greet your old boyfriend?”
I needed to get inside, but I didn’t dare turn my back to him, not even for the quick second it would take to insert the plastic card into the slot. “I’m warning you to leave me alone.”
“Or what?” he asked with a bitter laugh. “Will you kill me too?”
He was on the top step now, and all I could think was that I wasnevergoing to let that man touch me again.
“Maybe I will, Branson.”
Laughing like I’d just said the funniest thing ever, he snaked out a hand to grab me.
Instinct took over. I punched him in the throat with the heel of my hand just like Witt had taught me, quickly followed with a heel kick to his groin. Shock filled his eyes as he fell backward in what seemed like slow motion, tumbling down the stairs to the first landing.
I descended several steps after him. “Get up.”
He lay on his side, gasping for breath, but hate filled his eyes.
“How does that feel?” I shouted. “Do you like having your keister kicked by a girl?” I sneered.
“You’re crazy,” he said in a raspy voice as he lifted his hand to his throat.
“I was surecrazyto ever think you were worth my time, but I’m sane now, so let me make this perfectly clear,you son of a bitch,” I said in a harsh tone as I stared down at him. “You have no power over me anymore.”
He reached for my leg, but I stomped on his hand and followed up with a hard heel kick to his nose, flinging his head into the metal railing. Blood began to pour out of his nostrils.
“Who came around asking about me?” I asked.
He covered his nose with his hand and pure fear filled his eyes.
“You heard the lady’s question,” Jed said in a deadly voice behind me. “Answer her.”
Jed? He stood next to me in his jeans and no shirt.
“A woman,” Branson said in a hate-filled tone. “She came before Christmas. She said you’d screwed her over and she was looking for something to hold over your head. So I told her to ask you about the azaleas.”
“And what did you tell her about the azaleas?” Jed asked.
“Try again,” Jed grumbled.
“I swear!”
Jed took a step in front of me. “Too bad I don’t believe you. Maybe I should shoot out your kneecaps to show you how serious I am.”
“Fine! I’ll tell you!” Branson said in a panic. “I told her you buried something that was mine, but I didn’t tell her what.” Hatred filled his eyes. “I want my money, Neely Kate!”
“Yourmoney?” I asked in disgust. “Are youkiddingme?”
“I gave him what he wanted—drugs and you—but he refused to pay me until he was done. Now I want my money.”
Jed tensed beside me. “Get up, you worthless piece of shit. You want what’s coming to you?”
Branson didn’t have the good sense to realize Jed probably wasn’t referring to the ten thousand dollars. As soon as he got to his feet, Jed punched him in the face, then whipped out his gun and held the tip under Branson’s chin. “Let’s make something clear: Your claim on Neely Kate is over. From this moment forward, don’t try to talk to her. Don’t contact her. Don’t try to find her. Don’t eventhinkabout her. If I ever see your face again, I’ll shoot you first, then ask your cold dead body whatever questions I have. Got it?”
Branson looked furious, but he spat out, “Fine.”
Jed grabbed a handful of his shirt and hauled him to his feet. “You’re lucky I don’t kill you now. But your luck is about to run out.So. Go.”