Page 92 of Trailer Trash
Jed shoved him so hard Branson stumbled down the stairs. We stood there watching as he got into his car and pulled out of the parking lot.
As soon as he was gone, Jed turned to me. “Time to leave.”
Sure enough, a few people had gathered to watch. Jed had put his gun away, but the last thing we needed was to talk to the police. Thankfully, the small crowd of five or six all seemed to lose interest as soon as we turned back toward our room, but one middle-aged woman lifted her fist and said, “Good job! Show ’em we don’t take shit from men, honey!”
Jed ignored her as he squatted to pick up my phone, then followed me into the room.
“How did you know Branson was here?” I asked as soon as he shut the door. I could tell he was pissed.
“Iheardyou. What in the hell were you thinking going outside?”
“Skeeter called me.”
“I didn’t want to disturb you, so I went outside.” I caught his eye. “He says he needs to talk to you. There’s trouble back home.”
His jaw clenched tight. “There’s always trouble back home.”
“That’s what I said.” I started to walk around him, but he wrapped me up in his arms and pulled me close. I tried to ignore the fact that my cheek was pressed against his bare solid chest.
“You scared the shit out of me, Neely Kate.”
“I had it handled, Jed.”
His arms tightened. “I know you did, and I had no right to take over, but I wanted to kill that guy something fierce, and I hoped punching him would help.”
“Did it?”
“Not nearly enough. We need to leave now.”
I grabbed my few toiletries out of the bathroom and stuffed them into my duffel bag. Jed was already packed and sitting on the bed, staring at his phone.
I sat next to him. “Call him.”
He looked at me with conflict in his eyes. “If I call him, it will be the same old shit, Neely Kate. And no Colorado.”
“He claims it’s important, so maybe you should hear him out.”
He looked dubious, but he placed the call and stepped outside.
While he was gone, I looked at my own phone and realized I’d missed a text from Carla telling me she thought Branson had overheard her telling her boyfriend about Motel 6 and to be careful.
Too late for that warning.
But it made me think of Rose. I knew I needed to call and tell her everything was okay and that I would be home soon, but I couldn’t do it. She’d be full of questions, which I understood. I would be too if the situation were reversed, but I had no idea how to answer her. So I took the chicken way out and texted instead.
I’m safe. We’ll talk later.
She responded within seconds, even though it wasn’t even six thirty yet.
I love you. See you soon.
A minute later, Jed came back in, looking like he wanted to punch someone again.
“What happened?” I asked as I climbed off the bed.
“I have to go back.”