Page 45 of Reckless Love
“Because I’ve been living with how I feel about you since the night we met.”
Her eyes widen and I let her finger go, stepping back from the heat between us. I walk to the door and look back. She hasn’t moved an inch.
“Think about what I said about staying with me. Keep your place, sell it—you don’t have to decide now. It can be for however long you want. If you need the option or just like the idea, it’s there. Bonus would be that it’s one way you could see Levi without getting caught. Since he’s with his mom half of the time, he’d just think he was getting to see you more often.”
And since I plan to convince you to stay with me forever and fall madly in love with me, Levi will never have to get used to being without you.
“We’d set boundaries, of course. He could schedule time to see you just like we have to do now, so you still have your privacy when you want it,” is what I say instead of sounding like a creeper myself.
I’m thinking about Levi though. I don’t want to confuse him, so if she moves in, I want her to stay.
My lips lift when hers do and deepen as I allow my gaze to trail down her body for just a second.
She’s fucking beautiful.
I smirk and she shifts, rubbing her hand over her arm like she’s suddenly chilly.
I point at her now, playful but just telling the damn truth. “And I’ve proven I can control myself around you, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
She blinks and I turn to face the door.
“Make sure you keep your doors locked. And promiseyou’ll call me if Brock so much as breathes wrong in your direction.”
When she still doesn’t say anything, I look over my shoulder.
She swallows hard and eventually nods.
“Yeah, I promise,” she whispers.
I smile. “Night, dirty bird.”
She groans and rolls her eyes as I walk out. The neighbor isn’t outside anymore, but I sit in my SUV for a few minutes just to be sure he’s not lurking around out here. When it doesn’t seem like he is, I pull out my phone and text the guys. If it were offseason, I’d call an emergency meeting in person, but we’re all exhausted right now.
Anyone around? I know it’s been a long day with practice…but I need someone to tell me if I'm doing something crazy.
You're never too crazy for me, dude.
Lay it on us.
I'm tired, but wired. What's up?
What have you done now?
Turns out, Elle let Bernard and her parents think we're dating. As you know, I would not be opposed to this idea whatsoever, but she's apologetic and worried about it. And I think, why doesn’t she just move in? So I suggested it, you know, to keep the theory alive and all.
Sacrifices. Lol.