Page 46 of Reckless Love
Isn't this what you're wanting?
Sounds like the perfect opportunity, man.
You guys think so? I just feel like she's my best friend. She's always going to be my best friend. So we play house for a little while, fake date. What's the harm in that? Why the hell not? It's not like she's saying she's really going to be with me. But at least I’d get to be around her, right?
Shit, Rhodes. You’ve got it so fucking bad. I can’t believe I just thought you’ve been having a slow roll for the last…what the hell has it been now? You haven’t been my wingman for months. Fuck, you’ve been off for longer than that. A year or more.
I miss sex, but hooking up with random women just hasn’t felt right to me for a long time.
They’d be so shocked if they knew how long.
I feel like everything I’ve thought about you is a lie.
I chuckle, but it’s hollow in my vehicle. That pretty much describes how it had started to feel with sex—empty. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but I never planned on being thirty-one and single. My parents’ marriage issomething special and I’ve always wanted that. I started the casual hookups trying to get over Elle when she started dating that jerkoff Alfie in college and it just sort of ballooned from there.
I’m not old, but I’m too old to bestupid…and knowing I’m in love with Elle and continuing to stand by and not do more about it is stupid.
She was with Bernard so long, I’d numbed myself.
But she ain’t with Bernard no more!
Damn straight, she ain’t.
I don’t want to, but I’m just gonna say it. It will cause you a world of hurt if she doesn't want to be with you.
I know. But I already don't have her the way I want. So it's not like it's going to hurt any worse than it already does.
Man, this is heartbreaking. I can't believe you've loved her like this all this time.
I stare at her condo and sigh, finally cranking up the SUV. I can’t believe I’ve loved her like this all this time either, but I do.
And I always will.
I think this is your chance. Remember when you guys told me I needed to pursue Tru? What better way to pursue her than while you’re doing this fake dating thing?
THIS. You need her to move in, Rhodes. You can see her without getting her into trouble with the team, and I’m telling you, once she’s under your roof and with you all the time, she won’t be able to resist.
Like Sadie couldn’t?