Page 21 of Clan and Command
Even though it seemed large to a longtime spacefarer, the home was not that big. It was a matter of seconds before Kila was in the doorway to Piras’s sleeping room.
He was greeted with a sight that took his breath away. Piras stared up at him, naked and kneeling on a thick black fur rug. The Dramok’s usually almond-shaped eyes were almost perfectly round as he looked up at Kila with an expression of fearful hope.
The Nobek swallowed the groan that tried to bolt up from his guts. With only the large sleeping mat and rug at its foot, there was little else to look at in the room…well, if one didn’t count the ever-present ship models lining endless shelves. Kila noted those in the dim lighting as an afterthought. He had only eyes for the graceful man on his knees before him.
Long-limbed and lovely, Piras’s body had muscle, but it was carved in fluid lines that flowed to make him look taller than he was. It matched most of the lithe features of his face, from the narrow and high forehead to the patrician nose to the delicately pointed chin. Only the blocky jaw seemed out of place, grown muscular from the Dramok’s habit of grinding his teeth when his temper flared. Kila liked his strong jaw, however. It saved Piras from looking too preciously perfect. That one flaw made real what would otherwise be too otherworldly for attractiveness.
Kila sauntered into the room without a word. He challenged Piras’s gaze with a silent stare until the Dramok lowered his eyes. Good. It was a sign of who would be calling the shots that night.
Kila came close to look his prize over. The trembling of his plaything’s body was obvious as he loomed over him. A slow smile spread over the Nobek’s face to see one of the fleet’s biggest hard-asses shaking before him.
You do well to quiver, my beautiful admiral. Tonight, you will be taken places you never dreamed existed, places both wonderful and terrible.
Kila took his time examining Piras, though his body screamed to take immediate possession. He walked around the waiting Dramok, his footfalls silent.
Damn the man. Kila had told himself over and over these last months that Piras hadn’t looked as good as his memory insisted. He’d been right, in a sense. Piras looked even better. The smooth, brown skin looked tasty enough that he wanted to lick every inch of the man. The line of Piras’s spine was a slender path that led down, inviting Kila to explore the shadowed crevice between rounded ass cheeks. Contemplating the chiseled curves, Kila’s cocks gave a demanding lurch, wanting to press themselves deep within. Not later. Now.
Kila shook his head at himself. There were many things that needed to be established before he could indulge his desire to fuck the man. Not the least of which was the great pleasure he could give the Dramok. The fulfillment that his lover needed.
Kila kept walking, taking the measure of the man he hoped to figure out to their mutual advantage. One thing was clear, at least. Piras was as excited about the coming activities as he was. His long, enticing cocks curved upwards. The twin staves, the larger in front of the other, gleamed wetly. He lubricated freely, his body betraying the anticipation it felt at being Kila’s to enjoy.
Seeing Piras waiting on his pleasure made Kila’s fierce erections almost painful. Their arousal scents mingled in the air: Piras’s slightly sweet fragrance melding with the sharper spice aroma of Kila’s lubricating juices. Once again the Nobek was tempted to push the other man’s face into the rug, mount his pretty ass, and rut like a mindless animal.
Instead, he dropped his carry bag of tricks on the floor in front of Piras. The other man peered at the closed satchel before daring to lift his gaze to Kila’s face. “What’s in there?”
Kila answered in an easy tone that masked the hunger that wanted to drive him. “You’ll find out. Whether they deliver pleasure or pain is up to how well you behave for your master.”
Piras swallowed hard. Kila tried not to think how good that action would feel with one of his cocks shoved down the man’s throat. He didn’t succeed, and his shafts gave an insistent jerk.
I should have worn a cockring. I swear if I spill too quickly, I’ll offer myself to Lokmi as punishment.
The idea of giving himself to his wayward chief engineer helped Kila get a slight measure of control. Holding the unwanted image in his head in order to maintain his senses, the captain got to work on Piras.
Kila dropped to one knee before the Dramok. Without a word, he began to caress Piras all over, exploring the body that excited him so. He glared at Piras, daring the other man to make any move without permission. He wanted to see how submissive his handsome admiral was.
It turned out Piras was wonderfully compliant. He said nothing, though his quick breaths soon turned to panting. Whimpers sounded from time to time. Other than the tremors that he couldn’t restrain, Piras stayed still. He allowed Kila access to everything, not once flinching away or warding the busy hands off, even when he was handled roughly. He also didn’t attempt to touch Kila in return, though his gaze was longing, and his eyes were hot all over the Nobek.
Kila fisted his hands over Piras’s cocks, just behind the tips. The involuntary jerk of the Dramok’s hips tried to feed more of his burning shafts into the grip Kila had on him. He got a growl for the unwelcome movement. Piras fisted his hands at his sides, and tendons stood out as he fought to contain himself.
Kila stared into the strained face before him, bestowing his scarier smile on his lover. “You come before I tell you to, and you will be very sorry. I swear to that.”
He didn’t wait for the acquiescence that was his due. He pumped the long cocks, moving over the slick flesh from base to tip and back. Piras’s head fell back, and he cried out as Kila worked him. He did not resist, but his entire body went rigid.
After only a few strokes, but still later than Kila had imagined he could hold out, Piras gasped, “Please.”
Kila hid the throb of pleasure that lit at the man’s submissive tone. “I did not tell you to speak, boy.”
He left the warning at that. A true master could control with few words. A look. A tiny gesture. Would Piras grant him that kind of domination?
It seemed he would. Piras didn’t speak again, instead gloriously suffering the pleasure that Kila gave no sign would end in release. Even when his body couldn’t help but fight the other man’s rule, when it quaked violently in reaction to the arousal it couldn’t spend, Piras kept his lips clamped tight. Tears of strain ran from his eyes, but he never voiced the pleas that must have been battling to escape. Kila watched him closely the whole time, impressed with the level of surrender the man was capable of. Astounded by the beauty that was total abandon to another’s will, given instead of taken.
By the ancestors, I must not fail Piras tonight.
Kila released him. Piras kept his mouth shut, but he made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a sob. Never taking his gaze from the tormented face, Kila slowly licked the juices coating his fingers and palms. “You taste good, my sweet little boy,” he told his lover as he enjoyed the spicy-sweet flavor of Piras’s arousal. “I bet your cum tastes even better.”
Piras shuddered. His eyes riveted on the sight of Kila’s tongue lapping at his fingers.
“You’ve pleased me so far. Well done.” Kila watched as a gratified expression flitted over Piras’s face, easing some of the torment that had made lines appear between his brows. The Nobek put a thumb over those creases, rubbing to ease them further. Then he bent close to lick the salty tears from the other man’s cheeks. Piras whimpered.