Page 22 of Clan and Command
Kila grabbed his head, holding him in place for a hungry kiss. Piras’s shaking eased as he melted against him, accepting Kila’s demanding tongue. Piras was sweeter to the taste than other men Kila had known in all respects. The Nobek wondered how many flavors he would discover should he sample every inch of the man.
His cocks ached, pushing insistently against his uniform’s crotch that had grown too tight. What a relief it would be to make Piras put this warm, delicious mouth to work on them until his passion shot down the Dramok’s throat. But this was the one chance to make Piras see him as more than a temporary dalliance. More than an occasional fuck. Perhaps more of a man than the former lover who still had a hold on his heart?
Kila pulled free of Piras’s eager kiss, regretting he would not yet be replacing his lips with his cocks. No, there was too much at stake. He had been given command over the admiral’s body alone tonight. Anything else he wanted from Piras, he’d have to earn. He needed to do this right.
“My handsome admiral is being a good boy so far,” he said, pretending not to notice the thickness in his voice. “Now the real test begins.”
The dazed look in Piras’s eyes cleared as Kila opened his bag of toys. The Nobek let the carryall splay wide, showing off the collection of dildos, cock sleeves and rings, straps, floggers, ropes, and cuffs. Piras’s face roiled with a tangle of expressions: excitement, anxiety, and desire. Kila smirked.
“I’m sure you see plenty you like. Too bad it’s captain’s and not admiral’s choice tonight. Let’s see what plaything you can prove yourself to me with.”
Kila’s fingers drifted over the myriad tools of pleasure and pain, watching Piras’s reaction to each item he touched. The Dramok didn’t give him much to go on. Perhaps intuiting Kila’s intentions, he set his expression, presenting a stoic front. Only the slightest twitch, a minute narrowing of eyes, or the deepening of the lines between his brows betrayed his opinion.
Noting Piras tightening his lips as his fingertips drifted over one item, Kila’s grip closed on a pumping mechanism. He held it up and unfolded it. It had a heavy platform that would sit on any flat surface. A telescoping pipe rose from the platform. To the pipe was connected a dildo. When the apparatus was switched on, the dildo moved back and forth. It was a machine designed to fuck whatever hole the dildo was inserted in.
Piras flinched a bare inch. The Nobek grinned at his response. “This has possibilities.”
Piras drew back even farther, starting to edge away.
Kila froze him with a look. “No, you don’t. Stay right where you are.”
Piras froze. He didn’t speak, but his expression was unhappy. Kila narrowed his eyes. Despite the Dramok’s apparent dislike of the pumper, he hadn’t called a halt to Kila’s intentions to use it on him.
Kila needed to know if this was a limit that could be pushed or if Piras was at his maximum threshold. He got close enough to the other man so that all Piras could see was his face. “You said you wish to submit to me. That you don’t want to play dominance games. Have you changed your mind? Are we done?”
Piras paled. “No, not done. I – I don’t know that I want you to use that on me.”
“Has anyone used a pumper on you before?”
“No, but I’ve seen it used. It doesn’t look nice.” Piras tried to edge back again.
Kila grabbed him, making him stay put. He looked over Piras. Eyes dilated. Respiration quick. Cocks undiminished and looking as if he might punch a pair of holes into a mountain. He might have reservations about the pumper, but it hadn’t quelled his arousal in any way. Fair enough.
“It may not look nice, but I’ll use it on you. You want what I want, isn’t that right?”
The Dramok’s face showed conflict. “Maybe not. You have plenty of other things, things I know I like. Why can’t we use one of those?”
“Because I say you’re going to get your ass fucked with this.” Kila didn’t miss the shiver that passed over the other man. It was the affirmation he could press on. “Surrender, Piras. Or fight me. Do not play games or this exploration ends.”
Anger flared in Piras’s eyes. Kila didn’t react at first, because before the temper had been a moment of resigned hurt. Where had that come from?
Kila thought about what he’d said. Surrender or fight. Don’t play games. Or their play would end.
Aha. Piras thinks I’ll walk out on him like Lidon did. How many problems between them were caused by Piras’s inability to dominate during sex?
Feeling he had a crucial piece of the puzzle that was this man, Kila kissed him as gently as he knew how. “I’m not going anywhere, handsome boy. You’re stuck with me tonight.”
Piras eyed him. “What if I say no to the pump?”
“You know that won’t work. I can tell the pump doesn’t cause you as much grief as you think it does. You may be uncomfortable with it, but not so much you’ll refuse what I desire.” Kila shrugged. “If we try it and it really does upset you, you only have to say so.”
“And then?” The suspicion clouded Piras’s face.
Kila kissed him again, kissed him until the tension began to bleed from the Dramok. Only when he thought Piras was settled better did he stop. “And then we move on to something else of my choosing.”
Piras gazed up at him. Uncertainty and hope warred for possession. He glanced at the waiting pump and pulled a face, but his body relaxed. “All right. If it’s what you wish.”
A knot that had tied itself in Kila’s stomach released. He hadn’t realized it was there until the moment it gave way. It felt as if a crucial test had been passed.