Page 17 of My Beastly Duke
The other men snickered in unison, advancing on her as she attempted to back away from them in the rich earth of the forest floor.
“I think we had better teach her some manners. She needs to learn her place in this world. What do you say, lads?” The first man with messy blonde hair and even dirtier clothes spoke up again.
The first man licked his lips before taking a step forward and raising his hands as if he were about to reach for her.
“No!” The girl gave another gut-wrenching scream as she curled into a ball at the foot of a giant, oak, covering her face with her arm.
Aaron did not wait any longer as he lunged forward, gripping the tallest man by the back of his shirt as he yanked him to the ground.
“What the devil?” The man who had spoken first took a step back, raising his fists in defense as his friend landed on his back in the dirt.
The other two men who had remained silent exchanged a look of fear before running off into the forest.
“I suggest you do the same if you know what is good for you.” Aaron narrowed his eyes at the man standing opposite him while keeping an eye on his friend who groaned in pain.
“And just who do we have here? It is not often that a lardy-dah lord wanders into our forest. This could be our lucky day, John. A virgin to share as well as loot to buy a round at the tavern.” The man’s eyes flashed with greed as he glanced at Aaron’s fine clothes.
John scurried to his feet and stood between Aaron and the girl on the ground, licking his lips hungrily as he narrowed his eyes in anger. “I think we had better show this so-called lord who he is dealing with.” He spat in the dirt before wiping his mouth on his grimy shirt.
Aaron’s body tensed as he readied his body for a fight. He never relished a battle, but he was always ready when one presented itself.
The girl whimpered in fear as her body shook, never looking up as she attempted to make herself as small as possible.
The man who had been referred to as John, let out a fierce cry of battle before lunging at Aaron with both fists raised.
The maneuver was all too easy to dodge as Aaron stepped to the side, sending the man sprawling into the trunk of a tree as he lost his footing.
“You think you are better than us, you bloody bastard!” The other assailant pulled a knife from his belt, lunging at Aaron with his teeth bared.
Acting quickly, Aaron gripped his arm in with vice-like pressure, squeezing as he stepped aside until the man yelped in pain and dropped the knife in the dirt. His movements were quicker than lightning as he placed his boot beneath the dagger and flung it into the bushes.
John seemed to have regained consciousness as he came barreling toward Aaron with his head down.
Using the first man as a weapon, Aaron swung him around, using the short stature of his body like a pole as he flung him into his friend.
The men’s eyes widened in shock as they found themselves colliding with one another in the middle of the clearing. Their bodies went sprawling into the dirt in a tangled mess of arms and legs as they both yelped in pain.
“Have you had enough, or do I need to obliterate you both?” Aaron growled in anger, taking a step forward.
The first man scurried to his feet, helping his friend up before he backed away.
John narrowed his eyes as she seemed to be considering his options, looking from Aaron to the girl who still lay in a ball with her face hidden.
Feinting in their direction, Aaron made a mock flinch that sent the men falling over their feet as they attempted to scurry away.
“Who was that bloody bastard?” John asked his friend as they moved quickly through the line of trees.
Their voices grew fainter as they disappeared into a ticker of trees.
Shaking his head in disgust, Aaron turned to the cowering girl when he was certain that the assailants were not coming back. “You may stand up now, you are safe.”
The girl continued to shake, refusing to look up as she curled into an even tighter ball with her knees pulled up to her chest.
Feeling his anger subside, he knelt at her side and gently touched her arm, retreating when she flinched. “You may open your eyes. The men have gone, you had better leave these woods in case they come back.”
His words seemed to reach her as she slowly stopped trembling and lowered her arms.
“Why were you alone in the woods?” He pushed himself up and took a step back, allowing the girl enough space to come to her feet.