Page 18 of My Beastly Duke
It took her a few moments of staring into the trees beyond her head before she swallowed and attempted to stand. “I… I… I was gathering some berries for a pie. I think those men followed me into the woods. They are not regulars in the tavern.” Her voice was horse from screaming.
Aaron nodded and scanned the surrounding trees to make sure. They had not seemed like men who would live in a small village that mainly consisted of farmers. Their clothes and even the smell of strong drink on their bodies spoke of a life of thievery.
“I am not sure what I would have done if you had not come along. I owe you my life, sir.” She pushed herself up from the dirt and began to dust off her dress without looking up. Her hands were still slightly shaky from the whole ordeal.
“You had better carry something with you like a knife for protection, or even better, do not come into the woods on your own.” He watched as she took a deep breath and struggled to compose herself.
“I will be sure to ask one of my brothers to accompany me in the future…” Her words trailed off as she looked up in shock, her eyes filling with fear and dread.
Realization dawned on him as her eyes darted back and forth over the scar on his face.
A final scream of terror escaped her throat as her face turned red. Darting past him, she sped off in the direction he had entered the forest.
Aaron swore under his breath as rage filled his chest. He had saved her life, yet the horrid appearance of his scarred face had sent her running. The sound of Marina whimpering beneath his body echoed in his mind.
Will I ever escape the curse of these scars?
He waited a moment or two for the girl to gain a head start before begrudgingly following her at a distance. The thugs were bound to be waiting in the shadows and watching their every move, waiting for a second chance to pounce.
The path out of the woods seemed to take forever until he reached the end, keeping his distance as he watched the young girl run to safety.
Is this the thanks that I get?
He clenched his jaw in anger and crossed his arms over his chest before leaning against a tree. All he had wanted was a few days of peace before he headed back to the mess that was his marriage.
Men from the tavern came rushing out to hear the girl’s tale of woe before one of the other maids escorted her back into the tavern.
“It is time to go back home,” he whispered to himself when the coast was clear. Picking a path that would lead away from the tavern and most of the distress, he made his way back to the room he had been renting above the stables.
“Aaron, what in the devil’s name are you doing here?” Adam’s voice made him halt in his tracks.
Turning around, he searched in confusion until his eyes landed on his brother who seemed to be coming from the direction of a brothel. Irritation churned in the pit of his stomach as he caught sight of his brother’s tousled hair. “Certainly not the same thing as you.” He clenched his jaw.
Adam’s eyes narrowed in suspicion as the corner of his mouth curled into a smile. “No, you should be at home doing what I have been doing, but with your wife. Are things not going well after all the effort you put in to upstage me?”
“Not everything in life is a competition, Adam. It is a concept that you still need to learn.” He turned on his heel and headed toward the stables, wanting to get as far away from his brother as possible.
Hurrying to keep up, Adam fell into step beside him. “Come now, big brother, you know as well as I do that everything in life is always a competition. At least with us, in our family, everything has always been a competition.”
Feeling his blood boil, he stopped and turned to look at Adam. “Our father is no longer here, Adam. There is nobody left toimpress. The sooner you realize that the sooner you can grow up.”
Adam’s eyes froze over for a second with a look that could have easily been mistaken for hurt. “Father may be dead, but the competition between us is far from over.” The tone of his voice was more serious, almost threatening.
“It is for me,” Aaron replied coolly after a moment of contemplation and pushed past his brother.
Unrelenting in his pursuit, Adam once again hurried to catch up. “Now don’t be sour just because you have lost at the bed games with Miss Wallace.” He taunted Aaron.
“I have not lost; she is my wife, is she not? And she is now the Duchess of Harper.” He found himself being dragged into the conversation against his better judgment.
Laughing from the pit of his stomach, Adam continued. “Forgive me, but the game has not been won until you have bedded the woman. Duchess or not, your marriage will remain a farce until you have been successful in that regard. And judging by your sudden appearance in a village miles away from your home, I think I am correct in assuming you have not.”
“Go back to your paid pleasures, Adam, I am heading home. I suggest you do the same, yet I am not certain where you reside these days. Have you taken up permanent residence in one of the many brothels in and around London?” He shot back when they rounded a deserted street that led to the stables.
Adam smirked. “You know that your biting tone only confirms my suspicions? And I will have you know that paying for my pleasure adds to the excitement. There are plenty of eager ladies around the ton that could warm my bed.”
One of the stable hands greeted Aaron when they entered through the large wooden doors.
“Ready my horse as well my belongings in my chambers. I wish to leave at once,” he barked at the young man who sprang into action, clutching at his tattered hat as he ran from the stables.